A DHBC Member to the Rescue

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Postby JoTheBuilder » 01 Dec 2014, 09:25

Hi All,

We received a nice post on our Facebook page today from Sally Taggart, a cyclist who rides with PB3:

"Thank you to the DH bike rider who stopped for me just south of Sutherland today after flatting and unsuccessfully blowing up the new tube. His name "Alex" . Thank you - I even caught back up with my bunch at the servo to get home safely . Really appreciate you stopping to help me out. Sally (riding with PB3)".

I have been told it is not Alex Chubb? So if anyone else knows who this might be, please pass on Sally's thanks.

Incidentally, Sally came 2nd in her age group at the 70.3 World Champs in Canada. So you were helping out a pretty handy cyclist/triathlete.


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