Emergency contact information

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Postby weiyun » 15 Nov 2007, 19:08

A question that I often wondered during our Sunday ride is, who do we contact if there's an accident with a rider? Despite the fact that we have all got to know each other pretty well, but if there's an accident, do we know who we should contact on behalf of the downed rider?

How do people think that there should be a policy of having all our riders carry an emergency info card of some sort during our club rides? It can be just a piece of paper in the jersey pocket or something more fancy. I think it would be a comforting thought, similar to how Lindsay always carry a first aid kit in his saddle bag for everyone's benefit.

Further, we should also consider a register of mobile numbers for our riders. I note that last Sun we lost Matt somewhere on the ride. If we had his number, we could have had an easier time in deciding what to do.

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Postby jimmy » 15 Nov 2007, 19:55

You could always consider something like this


I got one through K4K, but they put my dads phone number, down as my Wife...

Obviously something like this would be useful whether you are riding with the club or not.


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Postby weiyun » 15 Nov 2007, 20:25

Yes, even a simple laminated card could be very useful.

The question is, is it worthwhile to make this mandatory for club rides?

With MVA, the agency can always trace using DL or car rego. For us cyclists carrying the minimum, I wouldn't be surprised if many don't even carry one ID with them.

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Simon Llewellyn
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Postby Simon Llewellyn » 15 Nov 2007, 20:58

Laminated card under the saddle?

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Postby mikesbytes » 15 Nov 2007, 21:07

Back to "what the hell happened to Matt", how about every Sunday morning while we are waiting to leave Marrickville, we load up some of each others numbers into our mobiles.

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Postby weiyun » 15 Nov 2007, 21:13

Laminated card under the saddle?
But the saddle don't usually go with your body in an ambulance. :roll:

A CC sized laminated card in your jersey pocket wouldn't go astray, or something even smaller and hang around your neck.
Last edited by weiyun on 16 Nov 2007, 02:42, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby weiyun » 15 Nov 2007, 21:15

Back to "what the hell happened to Matt", how about every Sunday morning while we are waiting to leave Marrickville, we load up some of each others numbers into our mobiles.
For the regulars, it's a one off activity. I think it would be very worthwhile. However, it's even more critical for those visitors and occasional participants.

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Postby FAswad » 15 Nov 2007, 22:19

I have thought about this several times and I also think it worthwile to have contact details of all rider and emergency contact.

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Postby Glenno » 15 Nov 2007, 22:19

I don't write too much on this forum site. But this is a really important topic.

I wear a roadid wrist or ankle strap. Last year when i was hit while riding, I hit my head and jaw quite hard. Fortunatley I was able to talk (just) but it could have been worse. I was on my own and with 2 broken arms among the 13 bones I broke, I was unable to use the phone.

Fortunately as a result I started to ride with DHBC so I would not be alone on the road. However I never ride without it now.

The roadid guys have a sale on at the moment if you order before the end of November they are cheaper.

They are only US$20 which is not far from the Aussie amount at the moment.

I would seriously recommend getting one of these.

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Postby jimmy » 16 Nov 2007, 07:17

When I was cleaning up a few months ago, I found my old drivers licence. I carry that and an old Race Licence.

While it doesn't contain emergency contact information, it at least means that you don't end up as a John/Jane Doe if you are taken to Hospital unconscious.

It may take the authorities a while to track down who you are, but it is better than "An unknown cyclist was hit and we are appealing to the public to help identify him/her".

The other simple option that does have a certain amount of credence is to put an number under ICE (In Case of Emergency) in your mobile phone. The only problem I have with that is that I typically turn my phone off on the weekends.

I have considered an ID Strap in the past as well.


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Adrian E
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Postby Adrian E » 16 Nov 2007, 08:03

I think it would be wise to keep a list with mobile nos and In Case of an Emergency nos when people join the club and become regular riders. If a couple of the most regular riders took this list with them (I'm sure it would be only 1 A4 page) then it could be kept in a saddle bag as a safety measure. Its not going to solve all our problems but it might solve most of them. Other forms of identification are really good, particualry if your riding on your own, but if no one knows were to look then they may not help.

Regarding new riders, this is more difficult. With BUG rides its typical to get to so sign on before a ride with both your own contact no. and a ICE no. We could ask people to sign before they ride, but do we really want to slow things down in the morning?

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Postby weiyun » 16 Nov 2007, 08:24

A quick phone number (30s) shouldn't slow things down given how long we typically wait for stragglers. We didn't leave until 6:40 last Sun.

Grant Bond
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Postby Grant Bond » 16 Nov 2007, 10:21

I have a laminated "In case of eemrgency card" which lives in my saddle bag/wallet/jersey pocket. If anybody is interested i can email you a word version.
I would post it here but dont know how.
I agree that we should have a sign on sheet, good from a liability point of view as well!!



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Postby weiyun » 16 Nov 2007, 10:39

I agree that we should have a sign on sheet, good from a liability point of view as well!!
If so agreed, is it worth putting something to this effect in the new rider information section?

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