Ride to Conquer Cancer 2015

Road cycling & upcoming rides
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Postby JoTheBuilder » 01 Dec 2014, 14:53

For about 3 years in a row DHBC have had a strong contingent at the Ride to Conquer Cancer. This is a 2 day event held in October to raise funds for the Chris O'Brien Lifehouse in Camperdown. You ride 100km, camp overnight and ride 100km home the next day. They offer everything from dinner and breakfast to massages and snacks, plenty of entertainment and chocolate.

The first year I did it they raised over $10M from memory making it the single largest fundraising event in Australia's history.

They are already starting their campaign for 2015. You can register here:
http://sy15.conquercancer.org.au/site/P ... 5_homepage

Registration is cheap - $50, and that includes all of the above.

The only catch? You have to raise $2,500.00 to be a part of it. I am posting this now, nice and early, so you have plenty of time to do some fundraising. The staff from the organising committee have plenty of hints and tips to help you reach the required total. The advantage of this website over others is that donations can be made in monthly instalments rather than a lump sum making it a lot easier for people.

Tents hold 2 people. So I thought I would start a thread to get people to express their interest and possibly find tenting buddies for the weekend.

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