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Postby Philip » 11 Aug 2013, 16:03

For sale one solid gold race license, excellent condition, very little use, very cheap.

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Postby JoTheBuilder » 11 Aug 2013, 16:49

What happened?

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Postby Philip » 11 Aug 2013, 17:32

To much time playing "words" and not enough time riding.

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Postby Strawburger » 11 Aug 2013, 18:31

Hey Philip,

Don't be too concerned about today. It was a pretty aggressive race from the start. Most of the guys are peaking at around this time of the road season. There were some damn good riders in our bunch and probably should have been up a grade... Not to mention the young whipper snappers hurting us the whole way.

Fortunately there is always next race to get your revenge!

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Postby timyone » 13 Aug 2013, 19:42

Just race more crits, and keep waterfall consistent

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James Rogers
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Postby James Rogers » 13 Aug 2013, 21:04

Tour of August, Philip. Graded crit this Sunday and following Saturday, Oakville road race on Saturday 31st -- in the afternoon (luxury!). You'll do well, I'm sure of it. I'll even drive you there... Then you can decide if you want that license or not!

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Postby mikesbytes » 14 Aug 2013, 07:56

I thought you rode pretty good

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Postby Philip » 14 Aug 2013, 10:00

Thanks Guys, though truth is I did pretty poorly. Got stuck at the back right from the start, bad move. Got the death wobbles down the hill, which was the first time for me and I gotta say it freaked me out completely. I had no idea what was happening, thought it was my new wheels. Only to find out later that lots of people had them and that they were a common occurrence. I thought the climb was pretty easy and was pulling in a few riders. It was what came next that I hated. The pace line started off really badly, when it finally did start that is. It's the fast-slow-fast-slow nature of the pace line that really does me in. I think I'm ok at a steady output but the surging wears me out. Hills are fine because I can find my rhythm and just keep going, same with long distance rides. John Mason said after the ride that he needs a lot more warm up than the start of that ride allowed, I think I'm the same, perhaps it's an old guy thing. As I forgot to start my garmin till part way up the hill I don't know how far I got but it wasn't far, some where around the 15-20km mark. Once I was dropped I thought I was pretty close to last. I could see no one behind me and I soon lost sight of any one in front also. It became a nice solo ride in the country, which was fine except the thought of dragging my self in as everyone was packing up held no appeal, so I folded after the first lap. Maybe another day, but I can't say the idea is all that appealing. A tight bunch of riders hammering it around tight corners on a crit track sounds like hell. Having said all that James, your offer of is very kind. What are the Oakville details? Three weeks and I may have forgotten the nightmare.

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Postby andrewm » 14 Aug 2013, 13:41

For crits, do vets Philip. Eastern creek is much less hairy than heffron. Only one corner causes me issues (its a sweeper, not tight) and practice and confidence will solve that. homebush and landsdowne are meant to be good as well. I'd do much more of them if they fitted in my family schedule.

And that pace line was a piece of crap. Surging, riders cutting in etc. I'm sure most are much better than that.

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Postby jonboy » 14 Aug 2013, 13:46


If it’s any consolation I was sh*t scared going down that hill too. Normally I feel pretty confident on the descents but the combination of adrenaline at the start and not ever seeing what the hill had in store ahead meant that my knees were shaking uncontrollably on the first run. Fortunately no wobbles for me – and it really shouldn’t be called “death wobbles” IMO.

I always knew with the extra sandbags of weight that I’m carrying that I wouldn’t be fast up the hills – and I wasn’t. But I was comfortable on the flatter sections and eager to go faster and you’re right about that paceline – a shambles. But you just can’t do it alone unless you’ve got a few guys to go with.

I am glad that I stopped before the second descent to check what I thought was a silver sticker on my front wheel, only to discover that safety pin was embedded in the sidewall. Rejoining the race 10 minutes later was all the more enjoyable with Peter Bownes. And at that point it was a Sunday ride in the lovely sunny countryside.

I was hesitant about crits but under Noel’s tutelage managed to win my first race. C grade is a world away from A grade but I really think it does teach you to corner more effectively and with more confidence. I was never on the limit until the final sprint but at the end of the day, ‘a man’s got to know his limitations’.

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Postby James Rogers » 14 Aug 2013, 13:54

Oakville details are here, Philip (links to a pdf). Note the crits are at Penrith and Lansdowne. I like Lansdowne.

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Postby Strawburger » 14 Aug 2013, 16:52

Just a point to note about pace lines. It will be different every time. Sometimes you can correct it, other times not. It really helps if someone takes charge and organises the group. It doesn't help if there are different motivations within the group like having a team member up the road. Food for thought.

As for descending, practice makes perfect. Being relaxed on the bike will yield better results. Nerves and tension will get your bike wobbling (positioned upright with straight arms thinking I'm going to die is probably not that relaxed :) ). Pick a safe location and do hill repeats. Use the descent as practice, not just for getting your breath back.

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Postby Adrian E » 16 Aug 2013, 06:32

Tour of August road race looks good!

Btw: I'll be racing at Heffron on Sunday morning if you want to give it a crack.

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