Cycle Skills Course - Sat, 22nd October 2011 - LOCKED

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Postby JoTheBuilder » 22 Aug 2011, 15:24

Hi All,

There is a Cycle Skills Course being run by Cycling NSW out at Dunc Gray Velodrome on 22nd October 2011. As far as I understand it, a Cycle Skills certificate will allow you to be a ride leader at Slowies, Waterfall or the Adventure Rides. There are a number of ride leaders throughout the club already and they rotate throughout the month to ensure there is a ride leader at all the DHBC group rides.

I believe the club could potentially reimburse you for the cost of the course, but you would need to pay the fee initially.

The application is on the website (linked above) and is due on Friday 9th September. I am planning to go along so would be great if a couple more DHBC'ers could make it.

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Postby christian » 23 Aug 2011, 16:17

Being reimbursed the money for the course would be subject to approval by the committee.

Now for my 2 cents worth, the ride leader should be stronger then the other riders in the group, so if you are only a C25 level rider then there may not be too much point. This is just my opinion.

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Postby Stuart » 23 Aug 2011, 17:15

Being reimbursed the money for the course would be subject to approval by the committee.
Now for my 2 cents worth, the ride leader should be stronger then the other riders in the group, so if you are only a C25 level rider then there may not be too much point. This is just my opinion.
In reply, here's my 2 cents worth. No point in having all the ride leaders being fast riders as then they don't seem to really want to ride C25's and often can't gauge the pace properly.

Me and others at the slower end of the bunch seem to have managed to lead numerous rides quite well and I'm not a faster rider than the average C25's rider, cause I'm one of them. I do however manage to impart my knowledge of road-craft, staying safe, bunch riding, calling, fixing a flat and generally staying alive on Sydney's roads, none of which I believe requires you to be a fast rider, just an experienced one. It also requires a desire and willingness to impart your knowledge and to help along others who are just starting out riding with DHBC in order to grow the club and help to make their riding experiences with us as safe and enjoyable as possible. I would think that being willing to become certified, give up your own time to do the course and then to lead rides would indicate that desire is there.

Having ridden with Jo on numerous occasions, I think she would make a fantastic ride leader and I actively encouraged her when she approached me about the path to becoming a ride leader. IMO we need more female ride leaders and accredited Cycleskills coaches / ride leaders in general and I will certainly be joining with her in asking the committee to approve funding for her to do her Cycleskills training. I mean, we funded lots of riders at once, several years ago and it's only been in very recent past when a roster was introduced that the majority have started to ride with the slower bunches whereas us at the slower end have been doing it ever since we got accredited and that's years ago.

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Postby christian » 23 Aug 2011, 17:54

I knew I'd get a response from you Stuart. I agree that some the faster people who are qualified don't want to ride with the slower bunches as it takes time away from their training.

Having people who regularly ride with the C25's and C28's get the qualification makes sense, but if the ride leader gets dropped then by said bunch then it seems pointless, at least after they get dropped. Stuart, you do a great job, I'm not denying that. Not having ridden on the road with Jo I can't pass judgment in this case but if the leader is only capable of riding with the C25's then that the only Sunday bunch they can coach is the C25's (although this is all we do at the moment), they can't really get dropped. The C25's is a no drop, but what if its the ride leader that is slowing the rest of the bunch down?

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Postby weiyun » 23 Aug 2011, 18:06

Fact is, enthusiastic riders will ride and ride and get faster. So over time, they will move up, especially the younger ones. However, some solid C25/28 riders are stable in the bunch, and they may be the ideal C25/28 ride leaders, supplemented by the occasional faster ride leader. And one advantage of being a RIDE LEADER is that you can call and bring down the pace, and never get dropped. :D

So I agree with Stuart, ride leaders do not have to be one step faster than the bunch. He/she just needs to be able to ride solidly at the designated pace of the bunch. Being solid and experienced is important, or there'd be no spare energy nor skill to look after his/her bunch.

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Postby JoTheBuilder » 23 Aug 2011, 18:22

Thanks for those words Stuart.

I think I will still enrol, even if I don't get endorsement from the club. I think it will only add to my new-found love of cycling and information database anyway and if I eventually get a chance to be a ride leader, I will grab the opportunity with both hands (gotta love cliches)!

For what it is worth, I have never been dropped by the C25's. 8)

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Postby Trouty » 23 Aug 2011, 18:33

So I agree with Stuart, ride leaders do not have to be one step faster than the bunch. He/she just needs to be able to ride solidly at the designated pace of the bunch. Being solid and experienced is important, or there'd be no spare energy nor skill to look after his/her bunch.
Jo's bought a road bike - tick, track bike - tick, race licence - tick. Jo's keen, and she already has some solid base skills, and will only get stronger. We do need more people who are willing to ride patiently with the 25's as it's in this group that they need it. Anyone who is willing to contribute their time to the club should be encouraged. Jo gets a tick from me.
Last edited by Trouty on 23 Aug 2011, 18:41, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby weiyun » 23 Aug 2011, 18:39

Jo's bought a road bike - tick, track bike - tick, race licence - tick. Jo's keen, she already has some solid base skills, and will only get stronger. We do need more people who are willing to ride patiently with the 25's as it's in this group that they need it. I reckon Jo fits the bill just fine.
Stuart, you need your own computer, or run an alternate browser to Jo's and stop these identity crisis moments! :mrgreen:

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Postby Trouty » 23 Aug 2011, 18:43

Stuart, you need your own computer, or run an alternate browser to Jo's and stop these identity crisis moments! :mrgreen:
Hey Wieyun,
There are 3 computers in this office and I have been banned to only using this one. No identity crisis here - it's definitely me.

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Postby weiyun » 23 Aug 2011, 18:47

Hey Wieyun,
There are 3 computers in this office and I have been banned to only using this one. No identity crisis here - it's definitely me.
This is even more messed up! You guys need to sign your posts to really know who is who as the earlier posts was 3rd person. I am going to start to ignore the forum ID and avatar from you two and seek for that digital signature in the posts. :roll:

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Postby Eleri » 23 Aug 2011, 19:24

This is even more messed up! You guys need to sign your posts to really know who is who as the earlier posts was 3rd person. I am going to start to ignore the forum ID and avatar from you two and seek for that digital signature in the posts. :roll:

Weiyun, I think your confusion arises from the fact that there are two people called Jo writing on this thread. JoSwans (aka Jo the Builder) who definitely should do cycle skills and has a new bike. And Jo aka Trouty who is in fact posting as herself. You got confused when Trouty talked about Jo the Builder.

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Postby Dougie » 23 Aug 2011, 20:51

I am keen to do the cycle skill course. I will check with the bride and see if i can be released from duties for the day. If nothing else it might make ME a safer and better cyclist. That's got to be better for the bunch as a whole.



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Postby mikesbytes » 23 Aug 2011, 21:19

Both Jo (the builder) and Dougie will be fine for the job

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Postby weiyun » 23 Aug 2011, 22:10

Weiyun, I think your confusion arises from the fact that there are two people called Jo writing on this thread. JoSwans (aka Jo the Builder) who definitely should do cycle skills and has a new bike. And Jo aka Trouty who is in fact posting as herself. You got confused when Trouty talked about Jo the Builder.
Ah, now it all makes sense. Trouty was talking about Jo. I am amazed how the James and Mikes on this forum haven't had similar episodes. Thanks for pointing this out Eleri!

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Postby orphic » 24 Aug 2011, 09:31

Jo Swans saved me from going into a pole AND crashing into another Armstrong this morning. Tops ride leader right there! ;)

She deserves as much encouragement and support as she gives to others... Which is heaps.

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Postby timyone » 24 Aug 2011, 11:42

Lol I only read two posts before I got bored, but I liked the first two lines of what Stuart had to say (I petered out) but I like library's wad from the back thing, and it doesn't require riding down a group, I guess not great for pace advice

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Postby Trouty » 24 Aug 2011, 16:55

Weiyun, I think your confusion arises from the fact that there are two people called Jo writing on this thread. JoSwans (aka Jo the Builder) who definitely should do cycle skills and has a new bike. And Jo aka Trouty who is in fact posting as herself. You got confused when Trouty talked about Jo the Builder.
Thanks for clearing that up went straight over my head, I wondered what Wieyun couldn't understand, but it turns out I'm the stupid one as usual!!!

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Postby JoTheBuilder » 24 Aug 2011, 17:16

Haha... I was also trying to work it out Jo!

Although I'm still trying to work out Tim's post. :shock:

And I enrolled in the course today so it's all a goer!

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Postby weiyun » 24 Aug 2011, 17:24

If you are signing on for the course and keen to obtain a formal certificate, then don't forget you'll need a first aid certificate or be able to substantiate a related professional qualification, or CA can not issue the coach certificate. It's part of the requirement.

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Postby andrewb » 24 Aug 2011, 17:33

Lol I only read two posts before I got bored, but I liked the first two lines of what Stuart had to say (I petered out) but I like library's wad from the back thing, and it doesn't require riding down a group, I guess not great for pace advice
Damn! Where's a babelfish when you need one??

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Postby Aimee » 24 Aug 2011, 19:22

Yeah Jo proved to be an excellent ride leader this morning ... saved me and vic from a pole and each other. And when I took the lead and tried to make them go through red lights and up footpaths , on the opposite side of the road and just generally wherever I felt like going 8) - Jo reminded me to just push the pedestrian button and be patient, and stick to the road rules :oops:

Super responsible decision from Jo to go and do the course, I know I can't be bothered!! It's not all about speed (not that she's lacking any for the C25s anyway) some of us cycle for fun and fitness and don't feel the need to compare themselves to others or be unsupportive, it's just for a good time and a safe ride :wink:

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Postby Rainbow » 24 Aug 2011, 20:13

I certainly support Jo in doing the Cycle Skills Course. Jo has showed much commitment to cycling through her completion of the Women's Track Cycling Program and also received a bronze medal in the Elite Women's Team Time Trial this year.

Thank you Jo for showing the initiative to do the course. Just don't forget to do your first aid certificate.

Jo, you are tops!

A few things for the record...
When faster riders lead the Cruisers groups, the speed is ALWAYS increased as the sit on the front and drive the pace. Christian, I am not mentioning any names ;)
Also, ride leaders are dropped sometimes for differring reasons. 1 is that sometimes they party a little hard the night before, and 2 is that the Cruisers (28s particularily) do not ride at cruiser speed.

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Postby mikesbytes » 24 Aug 2011, 20:41

Although I'm still trying to work out Tim's post. :shock:
I didn't bother
And I enrolled in the course today so it's all a goer!
Great stuff !!!!!!

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Postby JoTheBuilder » 24 Aug 2011, 21:13

Thanks Weiyun! I have my Senior First Aid through work... Stuart mentioned that when we were chatting about it.

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Postby christian » 25 Aug 2011, 08:34

Should this discussion be carried on on the forum. I think that if people wish to be made ride leaders they should come and discuss it with a member of the committee or a ride leader who can point them to the relevant people to talk to. Perhaps this thread should be locked now.

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Postby Aimee » 25 Aug 2011, 12:24

Wow Christian and I thought I didn't know when to zip it!

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Postby Dougie » 25 Aug 2011, 14:45

I have enrolled in the course also.

I took the liberty of reviewing the Recognition for Prior Learning documentation. There does not appear to be any recognition for being a hospitality worker, can you believe it! Apparently being able to open a bottle of wine with the appropriate flourish is not a skill seen as necessary (nor desirable) when riding a bike. Being able to read a menu with a faux french accent, in a snotty, condecending fashion is also not regarded as useful.

I looked deeper to discover that my regular use of words such as "peloton", "groupset", "knicks" and "domestique" are admirable but not required at this level of education. Apparently I maybe over qualified for this course. I shall complete it and then let them know how it can be improved.

(and just for the record. I am not out to be a ride leader. Just a better cyclist).


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Postby Lizanne » 25 Aug 2011, 15:12

what you need is one of those bottle opener bike tools!

all good bike mechanics/cyclists/hipsters have them

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Postby orphic » 25 Aug 2011, 15:18

Pro's open bottles with their pedals.

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Postby Dougie » 25 Aug 2011, 15:24

I used to date a girl that used her eye socket........

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Postby Trouty » 25 Aug 2011, 16:21

Wow Christian and I thought I didn't know when to zip it!

LOL & Kapow!! I think she got you there Christian.
And to you Dougie - what kind of girl opens a beer bottle with her eye socket.....seriously? Did she have a mustache and tatoos

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Postby weiyun » 25 Aug 2011, 23:21

Pro's open bottles with their pedals.
I thought it was the left cleat for right handed riders. :roll:

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Postby timyone » 28 Aug 2011, 15:28

Oops auto correct!
Library = lindsey and the word after was lead. So lead from the back idea.

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Postby AliG » 28 Aug 2011, 20:10

"Library's wad" means "Lindsey's lead". Wouldn't have guessed that one...

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Postby Stuart » 28 Aug 2011, 21:27

[mod] this thread is now locked [/mod]

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