Raw Race Reports!!!

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Postby timyone » 02 Jul 2011, 10:08

Tell us your story.

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Postby timyone » 02 Jul 2011, 10:33

I wish I had started this thread last week when I won a one lap screamer over none other than the Great David Brown, and up and coming giant stomper Nick Yallouris. But I didnt, so I wont start with that.

Last night was an amazingly great night of racing for every one, except Alex Chubb who was riding on one hours sleep and a hang over, and perhaps Lizanne who took a little bit of a slide in the midst of her celebrations of Canada day. We had several people seeming to hit their straps or find some form including young Chris who has been a bit quiet in his grade, but now that he is finding the positioning, and using his fitness and speed, is on the up and up. Amy Vesty did a good Job in the win n out, after leading out Lise Benjamin for her second, took 3rd place. Nathan, had a great winning out leading out Justin for what seemed like a win, which he then took him self, Justin then took second, and Anthony Pham 'Super Man' came in for 4th (I think it was Anthony?)

Ellery smashed a mighty opponent for a third, and Blonde Aimee and mx5 Andrew showed their continued improvement in the race craft.

It was a good night for the beer boys, well a fun one any way, with Michal taking out a strong second place in the winning out, followed by a win in the mystery race in front of Marty from Newcastle(the nice smilley guy that training his starts and lead outs down at tempe, (who had a bit of a car accident on the way out there :S I hope his car is ok).

Me and Simon were beer boys for our second time, and though we didn't win any thing like last week, we showed some colour first in the races that have not just 4 hardcore A graders to beat, but the whole field, which included junior state, national, and world champions, with the likes of Jackson Law absolutely carving it up! The speed in the opening scratch race alone was some where over 50km an hour, a lot of the time our travelling speed would have been as fast or faster than other grades sprint speeds?!

In the Winning out, I sat on the Great David Brown, as we watched simon ride off into the distance in an early attack, this was chased down by the lad on the front, we then watched Jackson Law fly past for the first place, with some fast little lad on his wheel for second. We went around a few people that were dropping, while Ben Harvey took third, then I took on Nugget Bennet for fourth, and beat him with a bit of a gap :) In the mystery race Simon lead me around the whole bunch to give us a break off the front for the first few possible spots, we didnt get a card we wanted, but we had the front of the race for a few laps.

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Postby Eleri » 02 Jul 2011, 11:10

Here's a report from the other end of the spectrum.

This week I promoted myself from Novice to Grade 5 and did the warm up race with a bunch of kids and two blokes. Kids were all on restricted gears, but actually pretty much the same as my gearing. (Must get a bigger gear). Anyway, one kid won, a bloke came 2nd and I got 3rd and left those other kids for dust. In novice you aren't allowed or encouraged to go up the bank so this was my first time up the bank and apart from holding a less than perfect line, it was all good and I didn't run up the back of anyone.

My lack of ability to sprint (me and gears) meant I had no chance in the Win and Out race, and in the mystery laps race we went out to 19 laps and after 4 laps at 45kph, I was done.

It's a fun night for newbies, with lots of good racing to be observed from the likes of Tim, Simon, Alex et al. I was most impressed with young Chris who rode a blinder last night - also on restricted gears - but in one of the higher grades.

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Postby mikesbytes » 02 Jul 2011, 11:14

1/7/2011 RAW track racing

My second week in Division 2, tonight was a real stuff up, but that's racing

Warmup race (Div 2 all in)
The warmup race qualified you for the wheel race. The pace was real hot for the first few laps and I suffered but then found my Rhythm. With 1 1/2 laps to go, I was in second wheel and the rider in front just basically stopped. The pack rolled around me and there was nothing I could do, I was pinned in - the end

Winners race (Div 2 split)
4 laps to win and then an extra lap for each of second, third, fourth. 8 laps in total. At the top of shoot I got near the front as I am crap at the first 50mtrs on these short sprint races, but other riders pushed past and it meant was near the back of my split group. The accelerated too quickly for me and I didn't get on, fought for 2 laps and as I was nearly on, I realised that I was burnt anyway, so it was time to quit.

Mystery laps (Div 2 all in)
10 laps plus between 0 and 10 extra laps depending on a card drawn. The riders do not know the number of laps until the bell is rung. The pace was hot and I hit the front on the 10th lap, I roll and the bell is rung 80 metres later. How unlucky is that :roll:

Combines (Div 1 all in)
I fronted for the Div 3/2 combined and there were too many riders, so Crafty decided to bump 4 of us up to Div 1, which included me. I started near the front with the other Div 2 riders and we went for it. I did my bit on the front and rolled and all I could see was a huge single line. After rolling a full 3/4 lap at the outside, I made my mistake in not seeing the split develop and jump in, I missed it. I ended up on the back of the second split and they chased, got back on, but it split in front of us again and that split sat up, so that was it.

My primary objective of the Friday nights is to get some on bike training in and to have some fun. Both were achieved tonight.

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Postby Camilla » 02 Jul 2011, 17:26

To score my 10 points this week, I ate cheese & drank red wine in Leura while thinking of you all.

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Postby Karzie » 02 Jul 2011, 18:04

Thanks for the reports guys, wishin' I was there.


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Postby andrewb » 02 Jul 2011, 18:53

Ummm, first I built my bike. (It had taken considerable disassembly to get it in the boot of the mazda, but it did fit).

then decided to have another go at the Novice division.

first race I rolled out on the back of the group & pretty much stayed there. When it came time to pass some others towards the end I discovered I was not feeling at all fast :(

so before the next race I loosened the chain a bit, as I felt that must have been the problem. (That I wasn't properly warmed up & was tired after a difficult week blah blah clearly had nothing to do with it at all.)

The next race was a four lapper (I think). My take on the strategy for this was to go out a ride as fast as I possibly could. They sent me off first in my bunch, IIRC, and I was starting to think I was ok, until I heard another bike, who as it turns out, got past me just before the finish.

The last race was 8 laps. I was third away, and got past the guy in front of me and up to Aimee (who was first off) fairly quickly. Sat behind her while I thought about what to do next. Then I heard an approaching rider from behind, who I could tell was travelling quite a bit faster. So as he went past us, I went out to grab onto his wheel, and sorta hoped that Aimee would get on the back of us. Held onto him reasonably, although he was wandering up & down a bit, but with about two laps to go he increased the speed & I started to fall off. Had no idea how close any one else was, so just went as fast as I could & ended up 2nd.

Fortunately didn't have to take the bike to bits, as Peter T is kindly agisting it in the back of his van.

Then went to the pub & inhaled two beers & large pizza.

mx5 Andrew

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Postby Artson » 05 Jul 2011, 12:12

all photo's by david lane www.actionsnaps.com.au

The Feature race for the week 3 of RAW Track 2011 was the IMGing HD Video Sunglasses 1.5km Wheel-Race. Sixteen riders from four different grades lined up for the handicap event with the eventual winner set to take home a pair of the amazing video glasses.


From as early as the completion of the first lap, it quickly became apparent that this event would be won by riders in either Div 1 or Div 4. The middle markers of Div 2 and 3 had made a great start with the div 2 riders closing in very quickly to form a solid chase group of eight riders, despite this they were only making slender gains on the lead of the div 4 riders. At the back, Div 1 nailed a perfect start and formed a four man train determined to deliver one of their riders to the win.


By the completion of the first km Div 4 rider Rylee Field had launched his bid for the win whilst almost simultaneously Jackson Law began to round the middle markers with fellow div 1 riders David Stevens and Nick Yallouris, unable to hold his wheel. The scene was now set for a two man pursuit, with Rylee entering the bell lap maintaining a 60m advantage. Rylee showed great speed endurance and determination to hold out the U19 national champion until the dying stages of the race. Jackson powered around Rylee in the final straight to take yet another brilliant win.

Image Image

Jackson is in later stages of his preparation for the Moscow Junior World Championships and was very happy to take possession of the Imging HD Video Sunglasses. He has promised to utilise them on his trip to Russia recording footage of his life changing expierience.


The Wheel-race was filmed from both the grand stands and from inside the race, with current 2 x World Masters Champion and World record holder David Stevens donning the video glasses to film not only the race, but also the lead up to the event. You can check out his experience at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4DMeYJxi1A&NR=1 whilst you can compared the in-race excitement with the grandstand view at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkqJDsPlEXs&NR=1


Many people have asked me where they can get themselves a set of these video glasses and if you are interested check out the website www.imging.com.au [/center]

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Postby timyone » 05 Jul 2011, 12:43

lol cool thanks for the story

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Postby timyone » 09 Jul 2011, 13:05

ok people, I didnt get to see the hardcore A grade kieran, but i did get to see some results!@ and I want answers?! How did James "lets ride the long way to Melbourne" Fowler win his kieran over a Carver, who can beat me in a sprint on the road?!!

(i know no one probably payed attention, but Aaran from randwick second in the time blaster? over tirian? is that corect? nice!

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Postby T-Bone » 09 Jul 2011, 16:44


Kierin - I started in 3rd wheel, just behind Justin. The motorbike seemed a bit slow, but i held my spot, and was making sure no one was going to box me in. After the moto pulled off, We sat there for a lap and then Justin started moving to the front, i followed and with just over 1 lap remaining i went past and held as high a speed as i was able. Looking at the Video in the pub, it looked like everyone was just sitting on my wheel, with no challenge coming until the finish straight, but that was too late to pass me.

Winners Race - Started at the back and sat on Nathans wheel. Thought about the first 2 sprints but was too far back, then we started moving towards the front, and i considered the 3rd sprint, but 1 guy was being led out with a small gap on the field, so i sat on the chasing rider who closed the gap after the sprint and pulled up. This was when i made my move, accelerating away from everyone behind me and getting a gap, i took the 4th sprint and had 1/2 a lap on 2nd and 3rd, so i just kept the speed up and won easily.

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Postby timyone » 16 Jul 2011, 11:00

With nothing exciting to report from A grade last night thanks to one too many up and coming Tirian McManuses and A Gavin White on my wheel in the point a lap, but there were some good rides by every one else, though I wasn't paying a heap of attention, in the juniors Hugo's race experience showed through as he picked up a third in his sprint and made his way back into the middle in the warm up scratch. Chris was looking really promising in the last race of the night only to keep ending up behind riders who pulled out etc, only for him to re-catch bunches before having more bad luck! Seriously one years time, we wont believe Chris was only in div 4 so recently! It looked heaps good having the three riders in a row too!

Alan really slides into the pack too well in his non DHBC red and black thanks to me forgetting the key to the box the other night :S Nathan, James and Anthony are seriously the most5 fun to watch, though last night that young triathlete lad whos strong enough to be a weak A grader spoilt every thing with his massive break away's, taking all the points in the point a lap!

On the sidelines we had the added aura of Nathans Bineli rollers, which make so much noise! I'm glad he wasn't sprinting on them! though those are one of the finest pieces of machine in the building last night other than Tim McMillan's new bike! And it was great to have Simon around distracting people from their pre-race nerves, and post race heart ache.

The Pizza took over an hour to make last night, and we will probably all be doing a runner next week after the races for the Alduez stage of the tour any way, but we may need to order pizza earlier next time it happens, or consider a different option.

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Postby mikesbytes » 16 Jul 2011, 12:07

Well RAW continues to be my track training. Despite Mudgee been backed up with 9 spin classes, I still seem to be mid field in Div2, except for the really short stuff, which I suck at regardless of grade. I'm pleased with my performance.

Warmup race (and wheel race qualification)
7th. Made a tactical error not spotting the split occurring as rolled back. If I had been on the ball I would of being on the wheels of the 4 riders who got away, instead I had to ride around other riders and across the gap.

3 lap thingie
Last. Where I normally come in the short stuff. My heat seemed to go all the way, probably thanks to Scott, where other heats held back and sprinted. This time I wasn't dropped on the initial acceleration at least :|

Point a lap
Pace was hot, I sat in but didn't challenge at any point.

Combined - Middle Group
5th. Decided to go out with the Div 3 riders for a comparison. There was 26 riders and Crafty decided who to kick out. Scott had turned up with a T-shirt over his gear [in the hope that he wasn't spotted] but someone dobbed him in, so he was out. I tried to look inconspicuous and YES... Crafty kicked out someone else. I was in :D

Pace was pretty ordinary until the Bankstown kids got on the front and it upped a little. I got on the front and accelerated. when I rolled, I could Anthony was struggling in 3rd wheel, so I rolled in to fill the gap in front of him. One lap later I was on the front again and accelerated and rolled.

This is where it went wrong, I ended up boxed in when that young guy made his move, I couldn't respond until the other riders cleared out the way. I kicked and took 3 riders with me. James moved out of the way, went past and rolled to the back of the 3 riders. I could see that the other 3 riders didn't have the ponies to bridge the size able gap, so I rolled around at the back and then dropped off, looked behind me and there no one for at least half a lap. Man that new kid had killed the field, wish I was with him when he originally kicked, so I could of sucked his wheel. Also confirmed that even with rooted legs, Div2 is where it is for me.

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Postby Eleri » 16 Jul 2011, 12:37

Excellent to see Jo and Alison have their first ride at RAW in novice and find out that it is more fun than scary.

I beat that same kid in a sprint for 3rd in a 3 lap sprint. That was the only race I managed to finish, got lapped in one and lost interest in the other. Must get bigger gears.

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Postby Lizanne » 16 Jul 2011, 14:09

don't worry... in the point a lap i got lapped (in div 5!) and lost intrest too

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Postby scully » 16 Jul 2011, 14:55

I got lapped in my first ever race !!!
I haven't lost interest- just have some health issues to sort out.
I will be back at some stage.

“I think it’s going to take a very uneducated person to write me off this year,” :) :) :)

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Postby timyone » 22 Jul 2011, 22:21

great night tonight every one! I think we may have been missing a few riders due to different things, our A grade is down to just me?! and iI'm scared of riders in front of me crashing this week! hopefully back to normal next week!

We had all the junior lads lined up tonight With Tom in div 5 or so, fighting for a 4th, and then Bill, Hugo and Chris all in div 3 with James and Anthony! Chris is spinning his legs off, and it really shows, but the speed he will gain from that will be invaluable! Bill was actually one of the better placers in the end just through sticking in, and it will look heap good having that red line once Chris is actually in red :D

Lizanne is showing up the lads in her races, Aimee is learning the ropes well (the same with our div five girls, seriously people, two year plan! this year you learn to ride on the velodrome, and how to race, turns etc, next year you will be up there and at them, trust me!)

Andrew had some nice break aways! though I dont know if he realised they were going on, and our beer boys though mistakenly being on 15 tooth cogs, were still looking good, with the newer lads getting 3rd and 4th in the closing race!

Nathan and James are still the most fun to watch, with their crazy break aways, team tactics, and sprints even though James is seriously the lad that rides off up a hill like Andy Schleck, no actually he is more like Cadel Evans was last night! though I guess his attacks are a bit Contadoresque~

I was lucky enough to pick up a fourth, in the sprint event, as having Scott Law (who has ridden for Australia at the world cup at the Elite level! as well as being a current member of Fly V Australia, and an Olympics possible) would speed up, and seriously all I could do was wave?! (which isnt a good Idea Chris, both hands on the bars, even if you are trying to emphasise that some one just clipped your wheel badly and that you would have totally been in that sprint! (it was a heaps good move up until that!)). In my sprint I took the front with three to go, and thought Id be stuffed, so sat there, and tried to jump when the lads jumped, the two sprinters smashed me, and then the guy who had been sitting on my wheel rolled me, but no one else went past so still a point :)

Sorry if I have left any one out, I keep missing Anthony Platts Baggs races because B grade is just in front of me, and our new lad Allan is looking like he will be up a grade in no time! (he was on 90 inches tonight, and would have picked up a win if his gear had been bigger).

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Postby Trouty » 23 Jul 2011, 20:35

Sorry if I have left any one out, I keep missing Anthony Platts Baggs races because B grade is just in front of me, and our new lad Allan is looking like he will be up a grade in no time! (he was on 90 inches tonight, and would have picked up a win if his gear had been bigger).
You keep missing the masters girls (obviously I'm biased here ) - so here it is. Camilla had a great ride last night even with a neck that can't support her head. SOme one has just got to teach her that when she gets bored in the race, remain patient and don't go hard on the last 4 laps for the hell of it. She got it in the end. Eleri is still plugging away and didn't do as well as he has done previously, but as usual all getting good experience.

Lets do it again next week.

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Postby timyone » 23 Jul 2011, 21:36

oh far out yeah!!! sorry I totally sat down and thought about where every one was sitting in relation to me!! its because you dont sit in the same bay as me!!

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Postby timyone » 23 Jul 2011, 21:37

Great sprint by Joe!! lol beating world masters sprint champion sprinter (and a few other things i think) Lisa!! as well as a few other girls including Emma sprousta! That was one of the highlights of the night too!

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Postby JoTheBuilder » 23 Jul 2011, 23:45

And the novices Tim! I know we didn't really set the velodrome alight but we're getting there...! We also seem to be regularly up against men who are obviously very good cyclists, have just never ridden on the track...

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Postby timyone » 24 Jul 2011, 02:39

oops! I was thinking you two were in div 5!! sorry!! I did mention, but minus names or the right grade...

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Postby Trouty » 24 Jul 2011, 06:14

And the novices Tim! I know we didn't really set the velodrome alight but we're getting there...! We also seem to be regularly up against men who are obviously very good cyclists, have just never ridden on the track...
It's hard for one person to see all the races - so girls start posting your stories up, I like to read how you novices think the race is going. ITs great to see so many girls have a go.

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Postby AliG » 24 Jul 2011, 12:34

The corners always seem to come up so quickly, i'm too scared to look around and see what is happening in the races! All I saw of mine on Friday was 2 pre-teens consistently miles in front of me and blur of rider after rider overtaking me. But a fun night and great to be able to ride without getting wet.

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Postby timyone » 24 Jul 2011, 13:07

I was paying attention to most races, my memory is just bad :S

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Postby timyone » 29 Jul 2011, 23:48

let us never mention tonight again :D
Sorry but all I remember from tonight is that Mr Law absolutely flew towards Andre! so fast!

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Postby T-Bone » 30 Jul 2011, 00:22

That's the way Tim, wipe those races from the memory bank!

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Postby Trouty » 30 Jul 2011, 06:45

let us never mention tonight again :D
Sorry but all I remember from tonight is that Mr Law absolutely flew towards Andre! so fast!
I saw you win a race in fine form Timmy...then I heard you were disqualified..not sure what happened then but I heard all of DHBC do a roaring cheer as you crossed the line. Shame about Fowlers near win in the 1 lapper, I thought you had that one in the bag. Great to see Lizanne leading the points for Div 4 - I've noticed Lizanne you are racing smarter and following wheels rather than trying to lead out all the time - and it's paying off.

...and for the rest of us that didn't win anything - it was still fun racing, but I swear all the grades are racing faster - but maybe that is just my imagination.

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Postby rhys » 01 Aug 2011, 12:39

I can't wait to race this Friday. See you at training tonight!

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Postby andrewb » 06 Aug 2011, 07:57

Ok, so where's the race reports?? I'm sitting here at Southport in an information vacuum as far as track racing is concerned ...

I can report only that I rode single speed (beach cruiser) on a loop from the southport seaway to Burleigh Heads and back again with my nephew. Sadly I've missed enough weeks at RAW, that I don't even get the 10 points.
(Back for next week, though.)

Hope everyone rode fast &/or smart.

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Postby Lizanne » 06 Aug 2011, 11:12

...and up a div i go.
so i've been hanging out in div 5 crusing around. so far there have been about half a dozen guys witha bit off speed on them and me, so it's been good racing. i've learnt how to be in the right place at the right time for many of my races, while using minimal energy.
This week they wern't here. so it was me off the fromt sticking out like a sore thumb. so up i go to div 4!
I actually don't remember much about the racing, i was able to have Eleri on my wheel for most of the racing. it was really good to see her not just hanging onto the back for a change. I look forward to seeing her up in the mix in the next few weeks.
so i won the scrach race, won the sprint, and won the group handicap. it may be a few weeks(if ever), before i win again, but watch out Julio and Jo, i'll be ready for a good race!

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Postby AlexD » 06 Aug 2011, 14:47

I made it to RAW for the third time ever, and had a great time.

I also went up a division, from 4 to 3. My fitness is probably a bit better than that, but my experience isn't - I won the scratch race but was relegated for veering our of the sprinter's lane in the sprint. Bad move.
I also discovered that it's called a "warm up scratch" and not worth any points - is this true!??

We had a great Italian Pursuit under Tim's leadership. It was almost an all-DHBC team. I was in line behind young Chris, and he nearly dropped me towards the end of his 1-lap turn!

I saw Lizanne get a few big wins, and James Fowler in some fast breakaways. Also saw Alex Chubb spend a long time at the front of the TimeBlaster, but otherwise didn't catch much of the action.

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Postby Eleri » 06 Aug 2011, 15:15

Jo, Lizanne and I missed any other female company this week. Women were sick, off having birthdays or some other stuff.
i was able to have Eleri on my wheel for most of the racing.
Thanks for that Lizanne! Strangely easier to be tactical when you haven't been dropped. We nearly had a crash in the last lap of the last race with some eager beaver up the bank bumping into the teenage girl just above me. Don't know whether he did this intentionally but it was a bit of a rough move in Div 5 I thought. She dropped into the sprinters lane where I was and I had to go onto the duckboard but still came 4th if I didn't get beaten by a smidgen on the line.

Great to see some of the juniors there again and Chris in particular was riding really well as Alex said. It was hard to know which team to go for in the Italian Pursuit as every team seemed to have 1 or more DHBC riders in it.

So much better out at Dunc Grey when it isn't cold.

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Postby shrubb face » 08 Aug 2011, 12:20

Despite not winning anything this week, it was one of the most enjoyable evenings I've had at RAW in a long time. I'd have liked to finish the time blaster but given how little training I've been doing I'm still very happy.

I was also very impressed by all of James attacks and efforts on the front. When he's pushing hard looks even more like Andy Schleck thank normal.

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Postby Trouty » 08 Aug 2011, 15:35

I thought the time blaster was one of the best races to watch, I think Alex did great job getting down to the last 4, given his recent drop in training. I also think Alex being the Rabbit on Wednesday night must have tired him out!! Keep the attacks coming DHBC. James is consistantly attacking and only gets pipped at the end but that will change soon. Very aggressive and gutsy riding. I should take note...but I'm too lazy.

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Postby timyone » 16 Aug 2011, 15:27

What I remember the most from Friday night the most, is James fowler coming from no where to win a kieran, and little tomy's break away! A great couple of weeks worth of itallians by Dhbc, we really punch above our weight in those with some great team wins

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Postby T-Bone » 16 Aug 2011, 18:00

I remember the green team going from last after round 1, to 2nd, and getting caught in the Italian....

In other news, i'm moving up to Div 2, but there will be a Bernard rider to take my place in Div 3.

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Postby Artson » 16 Aug 2011, 22:57


1.team Red front straight
2. team blue Back straight

and the Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19A9ruFkshY

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Postby mikesbytes » 05 Sep 2011, 05:07

From another forum LOL

"I think that if LACC and Penrith teamed up, we could beat Dulwich Hill. Maybe next year we could have Westies versus Hipsters and get some flanno jerseys and mullet helmets."

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