Floyd Landis Admits Doping, Alleges Use by Armstrong

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Postby Stuart » 20 May 2010, 17:46

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Postby weiyun » 20 May 2010, 18:03

After mounting a multi-million dollar legal defence using "fan's" donation money, he now has the face to back flip and admit his guilt. As for smearing others, well, that says a lot about his character.

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Postby geoff m » 20 May 2010, 23:30

http://forum.cyclingnews.com/showthread ... post213955

Alleged letter/email by Landis posted on cycling news forum

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Postby timyone » 21 May 2010, 19:51

well there ya go :D
ive been reading about in on facebook. To the track!! people :D these road people have a bad rep.

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Postby Toff » 22 May 2010, 22:25

I heard Lance on the radio responding to this.

Here are perhaps the most salient of his words about Landis and his complete lack of any credibility.

"I would remind everyone that this is a man that has been under oath several times with a very different version. This is a man that wrote a book - for profit - that had a completely different version; this is somebody that took close to a million dollars from innocent people for his defence under a different premise and now when it’s all run out the story changes. So we are a little confused, maybe just as confused as you guys.

But with regard to the specific allegations and the specific claims, they are not even worth getting into. I’m not going to waste your time or my time. I think history speaks for itself here. We’ve all followed this case for the last four years. We’ve followed Floyd winning the Tour and we don’t know what he did or didn’t do when he was on that team [Phonak]. We can only speak about what he did when he was on our team. We followed the case, we followed all the drama with regard to the case and now we see something different. That is about it."

I took this excerpt from Lance's transcript shown on the previous link.

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Postby Toff » 21 May 2011, 21:00

The plot thickens...

Armstrong's team mate, and personal friend, George Hincapie, may have implicated him in doping.

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Postby timyone » 22 May 2011, 11:03

well I for one am shocked.

I never would have predicted that a rider who stood out heads and shoulders above his team mates, many of whom have been reported to take, or be involved with different substances, would even be considered to have been on any thing! Just because he was a champion of champions, who was so much better, had so much more stamina, and just seemed to last longer, than those drug cheats (and Mr white who is one of my fave lads and what ever the assumptions i dont care i still love him), does not mean that he was on any thing! A rider on a team with that many Dr's and who go to so many other Dr's around the world, dont need drugs, I assume it was just a good training plan :)

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Postby Stuart » 23 May 2011, 10:10

Did you see that Toff's last two posts were exactly a year apart ... WADA & other anti-doping agencies move at a very slow pace eh what

Tyler Hamilton 60 Minutes Interview - recorded via Skpe - not great quality but watchable.

http://www.cyclingtipsblog.com/2011/05/ ... interview/

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Postby Stuart » 23 May 2011, 10:13

Also, loved Tim's post and now we watch as Contador shows super-human powers of endurance to take an over 4 min lead at the Giro and climb fast and strong, every day, on the hardest Giro course for years while other top riders falter ... just like lance did.

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Postby patn » 23 May 2011, 10:25

Assume that prior to his first drugs test we have NO idea whether or not Lance took drugs (which I think is a fair assumption; noone here knows him I don't think...). After each negative drug test it because less likely that he
is on drugs. This is a very famous probability problem looked at by Laplace. Anyway, after 500 negative drug tests the probability that he is actually on drugs is 0.2%. Don't really know what that means, but I guess it matches your intuition that after passing 500 drug tests there is good evidence that he is in fact clean....

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Postby patn » 23 May 2011, 10:26

meant 'it becomes less likely...'

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Postby AliG » 23 May 2011, 22:20

If the rider really knows how to get around the drug tests (almost 100% probability), the chance of passing 500 tests is not too bad. I guess that if you know the thresholds the UCI is using, constantly test your own blood and are a bit conservative and don't let your levels get too near the thresholds, you could get very close to 100% chance of testing negative. And, if you use products that aren't being tested for, you definitely won't caught. I wonder if in those days the chance of getting caught out as a drug cheat through a police investigation were higher than through the drug testing regime...

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Postby Karzie » 24 May 2011, 00:19

For most of my early sporting years state sponsored doping was practised by all Eastern block countries during the cold war (forty odd years), in their efforts to win Olympic and other world class competition medals and glory for the fatherland(s). Thankfully, the west was able to match and even exceed their duplicitous attempts due to our superior genetics and moral fibre. Then the wall came down and we all lived happily ever after.

US athletic organisations at the highest level continue to have connections with medical scientists who specialise in beating the tests. There's been a number of high level scandals in recent years. Baseball, for instance, has recently been revealed to be like weight-lifting in Bulgaria in 1974. An estimated 60% of baseballers doping! How many have actually been penalised?

In 2003, Dr. Wade Exum, the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) director of drug control administration from 1991 to 2000, produced documents which revealed that some 100 American athletes who failed drug tests and should have been prevented from competing in the Olympics were nevertheless cleared to compete. This by the United States Olympic Committee.

I'd take anything that Floyd Landis says with a grain of salt, some lemon and a quick shot of Quetzlcoatl, but George Hincapie....

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Postby timyone » 24 May 2011, 08:45

Laughing loud about the rest of the world beating Russia etc!

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mr mojo
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Postby mr mojo » 25 May 2011, 14:27

I'd take anything that Floyd Landis says with a grain of salt, some lemon and a quick shot of Quetzlcoatl, but George Hincapie....
Maybe I'm susceptible to conspiracy theories but I tend to believe Landis and Hamilton's allegations. If Hincapie has backed them up then more so. I can't see the US fed's wasting so much time and money if there was nothing there.

I am sure there was mention in the US 60 minutes report about the Swiss Lab director confirming the UCI convened a meeting between themselves, the Lab, Armstrong and Bruyneel to cover up a 2001 EPO positive ??

If that's also correct then......where there's smoke there's fire.

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Postby timyone » 25 May 2011, 18:10

will rogers get an olympic medal out of it all?!!!!

http://www.smh.com.au/sport/cycling/arm ... 1f3pq.html

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