2015 NSW Masters Road Championships

Road cycling & upcoming rides
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Joined: 04 Mar 2009, 08:27

Postby Strawburger » 18 May 2015, 09:40

Hi all,

Is anyone heading to Griffith this weekend? I'll be going for the RR & TT (no crit).

Looking forward to the wines and pizza more than the racing this year :oops:


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Joined: 11 Aug 2014, 21:28

Postby raph » 18 May 2015, 12:34

John Mason is going

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Joined: 04 Mar 2009, 08:27

Postby Strawburger » 25 May 2015, 16:13

A quick report whilst travelling back from Griffith

An abysmal turnout from DH in this years version of the NSW Masters Champs, with only 2 riders representing the 18 different age groups / 38 races over the weekend. Hopefully next year we can get more???

I rode the road race and time trial, John Mason rode the road race.

The M1&2's were combined again this year, unfortunately for me I was up against NRS riders 9 years my junior! It was faster this year than last year, a breakaway of 8 riders staying away for the win - a solid effort! I managed to finish mid bunch, rolling over with the peloton 50 seconds behind the breakaway.

The time trial was tough. Having the flu in the lead up week and having it lingering throughout the weekend, I wasn't expecting a result. I did manage to beat my time from last year which I am happy with. Plenty of "if only's" will be muttered when analysing the ride!

It was announced at the dinner that the 2016 Nationals will be held in Griffith. Not that close to Dulwich Hill but at least it's in NSW!

John Mason
Posts: 46
Joined: 02 Dec 2013, 21:04

Postby John Mason » 26 May 2015, 20:44

This was my third NSW Masters Road Race and my first time at the Griffith course.

it is a long drive - about 6 hours - but i enjoyed being in Griffith, the course is good, and the weather was perfect, if a little chilly in my tent for the two nights i was there.

the masters 5 race is 85 km made up of 5 laps of a course that has an uphill section of varying gradients for about 4-5 km and then downhill for about the same distance, and the rest is flat. none of the course is steep so that suited me well enough to encourage me to go along. i reckon there were nearly fifty starters in the M5 group.

The pace was steady for the first lap and a half, but the second time around there were attacks all the way up the up hill section, so by the top me and about 15 others were strung off the back. Most of us got back on down the hill, but i was pushed right to the limit to close the gap by the bottom. This pattern continued for the rest of the race, with attacks up the hill, followed by a frantic pace down the other side as breaks tried to establish themselves.

by about 20 kms to go a break of one finally had got a good gap, and then it was on, as one or two riders at a time tried to jump off the front to bridge across. by the time we got to the climb for the last time I reckon there were about 5 riders off the front so the places were all taken. i kept up with the main bunch for the sprint up to the finish rolling in about 20th place overall.

this was the first time i had been able to stay with the main bunch to the end of a NSW Masters Road Race so i was reasonably happy with the result. I think i was assisted though by the easy pace between the uphill attacks, and the lack of anything at all steep. overall i think the course is more manageable than the Gunning out and back course. Overall the event is well organised, and the local club members welcoming.

if i'm riding ok I'll probably go back next year, if its at Griffith again. Hopefully Simon & i will see more red jerseys!


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