Stephen Hodge - When will this end

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Postby Dougie » 19 Oct 2012, 11:30

This email came into my email box from cycling australia

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Douglas, This message is from Cycling Australia.
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19 OCTOBER 2012

Stephen Hodge Resigns From The Board Of Cycling Australia

Cycling Australia Vice President, Stephen Hodge, has today resigned
from the Board effective immediately.

In his resignation letter addressed to the Board and members Mr Hodge
has revealed that during a stage of his career as a professional
cyclist he took performance-enhancing drugs.

"In light of the current circumstances Stephen has made it clear he
doesn't want a mistake he made two decades ago to affect the work of
Cycling Australia to take the sport forward," said Cycling Australia
President, Klaus Mueller.

Mr Hodge turned professional in 1987 and raced in the European peloton
up until his retirement at the end of 1996. He began his tenure on the
board as the Chair of the Athlete's Commission in June 1999. At the
2007 Annual General Meeting Mr Hodge was elected Vice President of the
Board, a position he has held since that time.

"I would like to personally thank Stephen for his immense contribution
to the sport in a volunteer capacity," said Mr Mueller. "When his
professional cycling career ended he became a tireless worker for the
sport and for almost 15 years has freely given up his time as an
advocate for the rights of athletes and to promote and develop the
sport in Australia."

"At all times while Stephen was on the Board with me he acted with
high principle and great integrity and has been a staunch opponent of

"I commend him for his decision to speak out," said Mr. Mueller.

The content of Mr Hodge's letter, received today by Cycling Australia,
is printed below:

"Letter of Resignation

Dear CA Board and CA members,

I am writing to tender my resignation as a Cycling Australia (CA)
Director effective immediately.

Prior to the CA Board meeting on the 16 October 2012 I advised Graham
Fredericks and Klaus Mueller that during a stage of my career as a
professional cyclist I took performance enhancing drugs—a decision I
am not proud of.

I am sorry I did it. It was wrong. I apologise unreservedly to CA, my
family, friends, colleagues and cycling fans.

When I made Graham and Klaus aware of my situation I offered to
resign. It was agreed that I would immediately stand aside from all CA
Board duties in advance of submitting a formal resignation. At no
point have I been involved in any CA Board meetings or discussions in
relation to the termination of Matt White's contract.

During my time on the CA Board, I have shared CA's strong commitment
to the fight against doping. I believe other cyclists should never
have to face the same pressures I did during my professional career.

I would also like to believe that in my 13 years as a director of CA I
have been able to make a valuable contribution in this regard, as well
as helping to encourage the growth and strength of cycling as a sport
in Australia.

I am proud to have been associated with this work and believe cycling
has come a long way—and in fact has led the way in many instances.

It goes without saying that these are challenging times for cycling.
But I feel more hopeful than ever for the future of a sport I love

It has been a privilege to serve on the Board and I am grateful for
the time and opportunity of working with you all. I wish CA every

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mr mojo
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Postby mr mojo » 19 Oct 2012, 14:41

Unfortunately I don't think it ever will. It's human nature to cheat, and while there's money to be made it will continue. Also the current structure of professional cycling doesn't provide for stability as teams battle for UCI ranking points to obtain their ProTour licence.

At least Stephen finally had the decency to step down. If you believe the stories that up to 90% of riders in the 90's had used PED's then there is a long way to go before we see the end.

At least in my opinion cycling has been somewhat proactive in trying to eliminate the cheating when compared to others sports especially tack and field and soccer.

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Postby jonboy » 19 Oct 2012, 18:45

In the spirit of honesty in cycling - I should come clean too.

I smoked dope in my 20s and I just want to apologise to all my fans and I acknowledge the effects my behaviour has had - many late nights at Pancakes at the Rocks, uncontrollable giggling, and many non-appearances for pre-afternoon rides.

It won't happen again, and I am prepared to suffer any consequences of this admission.


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Postby weiyun » 19 Oct 2012, 19:04

Jon, you need to apologise to your SO, family, friends, the club, community, fellow riders and the list goes on. Don't miss anyone!

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