Kiwi keen to try track!

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Postby fergienz » 22 Mar 2010, 21:08

Hi all!
I've just moved to Sydney (from NZ) for a job in the city (i'm 22), real keen to give track cycling ago as its always interested me but never had a chance in New Zealand.
I'm sports mad, am currently playing social/competitive rugby and train in powerlifting.
But have played a heap of sports and used to row at a pretty high level in NZ, though as a lightweight (under 75kg) I'm now 89kgs (result of focusing on rugby and powerlifting!)

Anyway, i'm dead keen to come have a go and hopefully go from there.
few concerns tho:
1 - i don't have a bike, If i came to have a look could i borrow one?
2 - i don't have a car, so would have to use public transport. This would be to the city then back to Kings cross. How far is it on the train? And is it close to a station? Or is there a closer club/velodrome to Kings Cross???

Otherwise i'm keen to come have a look.
Don't have much cardio fitness at the mo, (when rowing resting HR was 28! I'd say its high 50s now lol) but thats what trainings for right!

Look forward to hearing from you,

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Postby mikesbytes » 22 Mar 2010, 21:52

Hi Alex,

Tempe (Canterbury) Velodrome is the closest one to you.

Dulwich Hill train there on Mondays and Wednesday nights 6pm start for Juniors and a 7pm start for adults. We can help out with a bike to get you started out.

To get there you catch the train to Tempe Train station and its a short walk from there. From Kings Cross you catch the train to Sydenham and then change to Tempe.

Cheers, Mike

BTW, which gym do you lift at?

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Postby T-Bone » 22 Mar 2010, 22:38

You will also need a cycling licence before you are allowed to ride on the track. This is for insurance reasons, with the cheapest option a recreational licence at $77 for non-racing members, while a full licence is $255 if you want to race.

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Postby Stuart » 23 Mar 2010, 11:43

Hi Alex

Click this link for info on track at DHBC and a link to a google map of the location of Tempe Velodrome

See this page for how to join DHBC & Cycling Australia so you can participate in tack training or racing.

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Postby fergienz » 23 Mar 2010, 12:15

Cool thanks guys,.

Tempe Station looks as if its on the Illawara/Eastern line so it should be sweet to get there by train (i work in martin place also).

As for the license, do i need one even if i just want to have a go before fully committing? and if i get the rec license, then decide i want to race can i get an 'upgrade' or ould i just have to purchase a racing one outright?

Stuart cheers for the links.

Mike, I'm a member of fitness first, so i've been training at the Kings Cross FF, its a bit to commercial for me, but it will do.

Sweet so would it be all good to come out tomorow then?


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Postby mikesbytes » 23 Mar 2010, 12:39

Tempe Station looks as if its on the Illawara/Eastern line
It is, but trains from Kings Cross don't stop there, however you can get a direct train there from CBD, so could come straight from work
Mike, I'm a member of fitness first, so i've been training at the Kings Cross FF, its a bit to commercial for me, but it will do.
I'm on the FF Spin instructor schedule, I'm at FF Pitt st on Mondays at 1.10pm. Come to my class sometime.

FF weights rooms generally ain't as hard core as your probably use to. Bond st FF or Walker st FF are probably closer to what you are use to. There's a small group of power lifters who train at the PCYC North Sydney. The Olympic lifters train somewhere out Olympic park way, not sure where, though I've met one one them training at FF North Strathfield. Though FF is even more limited for Olympic lifters than it is for power lifters.

I'll be doing weights tonight at FF, either somewhere in the CBD or at Newtown
Sweet so would it be all good to come out tomorow then?
Sounds good

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Postby christian » 23 Mar 2010, 12:43

You will need a license to ride on the track, even just to give it a go.

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Postby timyone » 23 Mar 2010, 13:30

another alex :D

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Postby fergienz » 23 Mar 2010, 16:13

Mikesbytes - Ok cool thanks for the train advice. So what station should i catch the direct train to Tempe from? And then on the return trip to KX i just need to transfer at sydenham (or could i swap int he city?)
And I'llt ry get down to the spin class sometime then, definatly have to build my fitness up and i done a few as cross training for my rowing back in NZ - was good fun.
As for the weights, I'm not a dead serious PL, I just done one in NZ last year and enjoyed it, I've got a good squat and DL, but a *censored* bench ( 195k squat, 200k DL, 100k BP at 85kg) so its more something to do/train towards when i'm not in team trainings. But i'll hopefully do some more later this year.

As for the licenses - can i buy one at the track, could be keen to have a look before jumping in spending $$

Cheers for the advice aswell guys, much appreciated. Only been in sydney for a few weeks so it helps

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Postby mikesbytes » 23 Mar 2010, 16:36

Impressive weights, look forward to getting some tips off you. Drop by at the track on Wednesday and all can be discussed.

Edit: get the train from any CBD train station except Martin Place, or do what I do, catch a train to Sydenham and change.

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Postby T-Bone » 23 Mar 2010, 16:44

According to cityrail, Mike has been a bit off the mark. Trains from Tempe do stop at Kings Cross! To get to Tempe you can catch the train from Martin Place if you're going straight from work (or any other station on the blue line), you'll want to catch a train that is all stations to Hurstville.

For the license, if you let us know which night you plan to come down to the track, we'll try to make sure we have the membership forms there.

Best thing is probably to come and have a look and chat, so you can get and idea of what goes on.

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Postby fergienz » 23 Mar 2010, 20:05

yea i just checked out the timetable, not every train stops there, only one in every 20mins or so, so thats sweet.

I'll come by tomorow night then for a look and see what its all about then take it from there.
I finish work at 5pm so i'll just head out after that. What time do you guys usually get there on a wednesday?


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Postby fergienz » 24 Mar 2010, 13:28

hey who should I ask for tonight? Mike will you be there?
What time should does everyone get there, i finish at 5pm in the city.

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Postby mikesbytes » 24 Mar 2010, 13:31

Ask for Lindsay. If Lindsay isn't there someone else should be able to help. I'll be there around 7pm.

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Postby shrubb face » 24 Mar 2010, 13:47

Everyone else should be down there from 6 ish onwards.

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Postby fergienz » 25 Mar 2010, 16:47

Hi guys,
thanks for showing me around last night, I'm real keen to get me a bike and start training. Few questions tho:

- Anthony told me about a bike on ebay, its now closed but i emailed the guy and he said he'd relist. Would the bike be ok for me (89kg, 178cm and complete newbie to cycling). can be seen on ebay under Item number: 120544566649.
Keith Olives Record Raceline Track bike 56cm, Mint condition, used for half a track session.

- i've got to go and get some pedals, shoes, helmet and gloves this weekend, Lindsay said stay away from SDP pedals?? And go shimano (spelling?). but are there any other things i should no before geeting some gear. i'm looking at beginner stuff remember!

- lastly, does anyone in the club live or travel back to the city or eastern suburbs after trainings? I just took the train back last night with no probs, but my work mates were saying i shou;dn't be at Tempe station at night by myself! i'm new to sydney so i don't no whats safe etc. So yea 2 Q's - one is it sweet taking the train home at night from tempe? and 2, if not, does anyone travel back to the cbd or kings cross etc.

Otherwise yea, pretty keen to get started!

Alex F. (aka Fergus/Fergie)

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Postby christian » 26 Mar 2010, 08:11

I've never heard that Tempe station is dangerous at night. You'll find that kings cross is considered more dangerous.

The pedals Lindsay was probably referring to is Shimano SPD as the ones to stay away from as these are mountain bike pedals. If you are going to go with Shimano then you want road pedals which are SPD-SL. The cheapest ones are R540, then it just goes up in price from there. The more expensive ones (105, Ultegra, Dura Ace) are a bit wider, lighter, lower stack height. The other option is to go with Look KEOs, others will be able to fill you in on this.

That bike would be fine, lots of us started on that type of bike. Its a few years old, they haven't made that colour for a while. They are a good solid bike. The RRP by the way is a lot less then $2200, more like $1300. You can also try some local bike shops that keep track bikes like Burwood Cycle world.

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Postby timyone » 26 Mar 2010, 14:34

one of your options is to leave a track bike at the track, and ride a push bike to the track, good warm up, put the same pedals on both bikes, and your all good.

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Postby rhys » 27 Mar 2010, 19:14

I'm not sure about your arm and leg length, but a 56cm might be a bit big for you? I am 170cm and ride a 52cm, though I do have T-rex arms and stubbs for legs.
As far as tempe station, if you can power lift that much weight, there aren't too many chumps that are going to bother you. I'll see you on Monday night if you're there, I have a white felt.

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Postby fergienz » 29 Mar 2010, 12:59

do you guys train in the rain?

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Postby mikesbytes » 29 Mar 2010, 14:15

do you guys train in the rain?
If it rains the training is indoors on rollers or mag trainer

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Postby fergienz » 29 Mar 2010, 14:20

ok sweet as.
Couldn't make the spin class today, work's flat out next two weeks.

I've still got to go purchase some gear (helmet, shoes etc) so i'll do that tonight. Depends what time i finish at work whether i'll get down to the track tonight. Otherwise I'll def be there wednesday with all my gear and ready to go :]


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