Heffron 17-10-09

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Postby MarkL » 16 Oct 2009, 14:41

Hi folks,

Riding out to Heffron leaving from Mick Mazza's at 14:45 if anyone is interested 8)


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Postby timyone » 16 Oct 2009, 21:29

im a maybe, depending on tyres i think (ill be B grade though :(

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Postby timyone » 17 Oct 2009, 09:33

ok not sure about racing now, well about riding out there especially

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Postby Julio » 17 Oct 2009, 19:58

I went out to watch the race at heff today and to start this race report I would like to admit that besides watching SBS the last few Tour Down Under Classics this was the first time I have seen a live crit in my life...

hmm impressed was I with the pace of the A grade, pissed off I missed the accident (although I think one of us hit the deck from what I heard someone came from the left to right leaving carnage in his wake), and almost in ecstasy when one DHBC member jagged first in C grade but finished second. Afterwards he said he lost his impetus in the last 15 metres.

I witnessed the epic start to this momentous one day stage race then took up my position on the grassy knoll just before the first 'Col' of the course. Yelling my encouragement to the young D grade DHBC racer was in vain as he was hanging on for dear life for the first 10 laps he then detached very soon after that never to return to the course...hope he wasn't scared of the man in a black hoody shouting at him from the grassy knoll.

After 15 laps I changed positions to near the second 'Col' of the stage to check body position and cadence and as I know that this is a tight course, bike position in preparation of my own immanent crit début. From there I moved to the last 'Col' to witness lots of swearing and how’s your mother coming from the group as they descended down to the valley floor and onto the finishing drag strip.In the last few laps I took up a position where I could see the groups come out of the first ‘Col, up the second and around the third onto the final straight. Should have been there all the time as that where the main crowd were (I stretch the truth with the wording there as one man and his dog does not make a crowd)

All in all it was a good day with DHBC shirts taking to the competition with (?) didn’t catch his name in 2nd and Amy 6th in C grade, I think Alex finished mid pack in B grade and I think a 3rd in D grade….I am not sure of names or places as I am only new to the club and only caught peoples names and snipets of the race from overhearing conversations.

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Michael Chidgey
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Postby Michael Chidgey » 17 Oct 2009, 21:50

i was the dude that got second in C grade. Sorry i dint introduce myself Julio.

Also it was Mark that crashed, some guy hooked him on the back straight. i'll let him fill you in all the gory details.

You should ride the Crit for sure Julio it is great fun and you get fitter at the same time.

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Postby MarkL » 23 Oct 2009, 00:58

Yep, it was me that had a close look at the grass in C grade resulting in my first DNF and the grass wasn't soft at all :(
I felt boxed in and couldn't make a move as l was caught behind a slower rider. Then between the humps a rider to the right came back onto the track pushing the rider on my right closer to me. At the same time a rider passed me on my left and moved to the right before being completely past me and l was the meat in the sandwich. There was a light touch of wheels (with the rider that passed on my left) then couldn't avoid a second touch and l was down.
After l picked myself up and checked my bike l thought that maybe me and racing weren't meant to be. That thought didn't last too long as the DHBC criterium was on the next day and l was keen even with some grazes.
When l was getting cleaned up the guy that ran onto the grass apologised for any part that he may have played in me falling. Luckily when l fell, my bike went to the left as the guy that was behind me thought that he was going to ride over my bike :(
At the end of the day, nothing broken although the front tyre did unseat itself off the rim - guess l was lucky that it didn't blow and l could ride home :D

PeterOS came fourth in D grade with the riders not willing to work.

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