save the bowlo

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Postby scully » 04 Dec 2014, 20:23

Some info on Canterbury Bowling Club
Many of you ride past it on the Cooks river track. Imagine how cool it would be if you could stop for coffee or beer.

http://canterburycommunityclub.nationbu ... dium=email

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Postby marc2131 » 05 Dec 2014, 05:55

You'll need to find out if the land was bought or given to Canterbury Council.
If it was given, there may be caveats which state that the land can't be sold off for other purposes other than community use. This is what happened at the Croydon Bowling Club. The land was given to West Leagues Club in 1968, however in the late 90s or early 2000s they tried to rezone the land for potential unit developments.
When a caveat was discovered and council and the community informed, they dropped the idea. You will need to write to your local councillor (for your council ward the most conducive would be Cr Linda Eisler). Ask her if you (with her assistance) can vet all material relating to council's early ownership of the land.
Good luck.

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Postby jermxx » 06 Dec 2014, 08:26

The pdf attached claims there is a caveat on the land...

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Postby marc2131 » 13 Jan 2015, 08:08

The campaign appears to be ramping up. Received this message from the Canterbury Community Club today:

Protest meeting this Sunday – 18 January, 4:30pm, at the Canterbury Bowlo site (15 Close St Canterbury).

Congratulations to all of you who put in a submission on the Council’s proposal to knock down and sell off the bowlo and the land when it was on display in December – they now have a thick file of objections.

Volunteers have been leafleting and letterboxing the area about this Sunday’s meeting– so come along and demonstrate your support. The additional attention brought by Walkley-winning investigative journalist Kate McClymont’s SMH story today makes this Sunday’s meeting all the more timely – and important for you to be there with your neighbours and friends.

2. Our friends at the Hurlstone Park Association (a group also fighting Canterbury Council on bad developments) ask you to support their fight against one particular inappropriate DA by taking a couple of minutes emailing council by taking the steps below (details in the body of the cut-and-paste email below). Please do it soon – submissions close COB this Wednesday 13 January.

Look out in tomorrow’s Sydney Morning Herald for Part 2 of Kate McClymont’s series.

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