240km ride Sunday 29th June *******Postponed!!!*****

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Postby Dougie » 31 May 2014, 20:18

Hi everyone!

Some of you have indicated that you would be keen for an epic ride. Well now is the time to step up. Sunday the 29th of June departing the Marrick Cafe at 5.30am.

The ride will see our hardy and intrepid riders depart the Cafe and head to West Head. There will be a short interlude for the appropriate selfie/group shot before departing for a QUICK breakfast at Church Point. From Church Point we will head for Mosman for a bottle refill on our way back to Marrickville.

Our Epiceurs will then avail themselves of a QUICK lunch in Marrickville. They will then head south for Waterfall. The obligatory refill stop at the 7/11 Servo in Sutherland on the return journey. This stop may well entail a bakery visit or some such as the reserves of glycogen begin to dwindle.

Once we hit Arncliff we'll make a right turn towards the Airport and the traditional LaPa Qantas Drive bike path route. We should hit LaPa in time to obtain a sunset photo and encourage one another to not give up yet. From there we'll carve up Anzac Parade to Centennial Park with a view to taking the Slowies Route back to The Marrick.

All up our journey should be about 240k. I plan on the pace being about 28's possibly dropping to Snail's by the end of the day.

Important Information

This is not a Club Sanctioned Ride although there will be at least one Ride Leader present. You must have your licence and insurance up to date.

This is not a "no drop ride" however we'll stop for flats and regather at the top of climbs and various segments. You must be confident to be able to complete the West head component as there are very few bale out options.

You will need food, two bidons, three tubes, some cash and a sense of humour. You will also need front and rear working lights.

I anticipate that we will have about 9 to 10 hours moving time plus stops and traffic etc. Plan 12 or so hours.

Join the list with a cut and paste.

1. Dougie - Lunatic

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Postby ratzzzzz » 01 Jun 2014, 06:06

1. Dougie - Lunatic
2. Ben

Anthony K
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Postby Anthony K » 01 Jun 2014, 17:15

1. Dougie - Chief Lunatic
2. Ben
3. Anthony K

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Postby JoTheBuilder » 01 Jun 2014, 20:52

1. Dougie - Chief Lunatic
2. Ben
3. Anthony K
4. Jo

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Postby humanbeing » 01 Jun 2014, 21:43

1. Dougie - Chief Lunatic
2. Ben
3. Anthony K
4. Jo
5. Peter Bownes - currently at training camp in the Austrian Alps

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Postby Derek » 02 Jun 2014, 20:27

1. Dougie - Chief Lunatic
2. Ben
3. Anthony K
4. Jo
5. Peter Bownes - currently at training camp in the Austrian Alps
6. Derek - may need training wheels

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Postby Dougie » 16 Jun 2014, 07:57

Hi fellow lunatics

i am under doctors orders not to ride for a couple of weeks. when i do return to the bike to take it easy for a couple more weeks after that. i know for some of you 240km is a easy day in the saddle. however for me it's a big day.

unfortunately, i need to postpone for a future date. i am hoping to aim for late july to mid august. i will update the forum once i know.

thank you for your support for this epic ride. sorry it's not quite going to plan.

watch for updates



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Colin Campbell
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Postby Colin Campbell » 16 Jun 2014, 14:19

Hi fellow lunatics

i am under doctors orders not to ride for a couple of weeks. when i do return to the bike to take it easy for a couple more weeks after that. i know for some of you 240km is a easy day in the saddle. however for me it's a big day.

Is this due to your epic Jens Voigt effort in the points race? Wishing you well with recovery.

Adam W
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Postby Adam W » 16 Jun 2014, 20:49

The new date is perfect for me Dougie. Hope you're back at it soon.

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Postby humanbeing » 17 Jun 2014, 16:59

Get better Dougie so we can knock this on the head.
Have a great ride,

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