Faily Telegraph Strikes Again...

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Postby JoTheBuilder » 18 Mar 2013, 07:42 ... 6599284844

I particularly like the comment: "While the riders in the picture weren't breaking the law, these risky practices have led to an increase in complaints."

While another non-story, it does highlight the need to ensure we are all mindful of other road users.

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Postby marc2131 » 18 Mar 2013, 08:04

Were the riders doing anything wrong; answer NO.
Big beat up over nothing. Usual Telegraph sensationalism. Ignore :x

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Postby Stuart » 18 Mar 2013, 09:51

ahh the good old Daily Liberal. It can always be relied upon to print lies, distortions and purely made up crap. Like this for instance >> ... up/4578648

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Postby timothy_clifford » 18 Mar 2013, 11:01

This group was photographed taking up the centre lane of Southern Cross Drive
Looking at the pic, the group is in the left lane of three with a left turn lane to their left. Typical whinge from a media outlet that seems intent on killing off cycling.

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Postby weiyun » 18 Mar 2013, 11:06

Isn't that the section with the tunnel coming up along with multiple slipways left and right. I recall for that section, the only logical and safe lane to take is the centre one. Not pleasant but the only option.

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Postby Dougie » 18 Mar 2013, 11:52

I particularly like the comment: "While the riders in the picture weren't breaking the law, these risky practices have led to an increase in complaints."

While another non-story, it does highlight the need to ensure we are all mindful of other road users.

With rights comes responsibility. I have ridden once on Southern Cross Drive, in the breakdown lane. It was terrifying. The Tunnel is even worse. I will NEVER ride on it again. I have also seen riders on the M4, M5, M2 and M7. I even know of a well known Club that went through the Eastern Distributor because they were running late. There are so many other roads we can use. Yes, we have the right to use that piece of road, but is it "right" to use that piece of road. If you poke a Gorilla eventually it gets cranky and takes a swing at you. How many times have we seen riders injured or killed because a driver was sneezing, texting, talking on the phone, dealing with a child in the back of the car etc etc.

We have a responsibilty to our friends and families to come home after every ride. No amount of being "in the right" makes up for being dead.

Can you tell I am a bit passionate about this?


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Postby Johnj » 18 Mar 2013, 23:06

The faux anxiety about cyclist safety makes me sick, because its really about "congestion on roads and frustration for drivers". You could have taken precisely the same photo (2 abreast in the "middle lane") of any DHBC bunch in a dozen places between Marrickville and Waterfall, because of turning lanes, parked cars, moving across to turn tight etc etc. The Terrorgraph is simply demonising cyclists because they're an out group, but even then they couldn't find any rules being broken. Despite that, if you're a cyclist it must be your fault for being on the road. "Even if you are an experienced rider, you are exposed and vulnerable in the road environment," Inspector Phil Brooks from the Traffic and Highway Patrol Command said. "There are real risks (riding like this)." And Phil Brooks solution for vulnerable road users is ....
"Like any vehicle on the road, cyclists need to obey the road rules," Well thanks Phil, can I quote you on that?

I have ridden once on Southern Cross Drive, in the breakdown lane... I will NEVER ride on it again... Yes, we have the right to use that piece of road, but is it "right" to use that piece of road. If you poke a Gorilla eventually it gets cranky and takes a swing at you. How many times have we seen riders injured or killed because a driver was sneezing, texting, talking on the phone, dealing with a child in the back of the car etc etc... We have a responsibilty to our friends and families to come home after every ride. No amount of being "in the right" makes up for being dead.
Got to say I disagree with some of those sentiments Dougie. I avoid busy roads wherever I can, but being on or near the road as a motorist, cyclist or pedestrian is a risk. Plenty of opportunity to get cleaned up on any club ride I've been on. We rely on others to pay attention and hold their line/lane. Otherwise we'd be best to stay safely tucked up in bed instead of venturing onto those wild streets out there.

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