Garmin 500 firmware v3.0 upgrade issues

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Postby Stuart » 27 Aug 2012, 08:46

Recently when uploading to Garmin Connect I was informed there was a firmware upgrade available for my 500 from my v2.8 to v3.0. Now usually I'd do some research first to ascertain whether this was really a good idea but instead I just went ahead and updated. This was the start of the problems.

The first and most obvious issue was that the speedo now registered a speed when standing still: mostly between 1-4kph and continuously changing. Then on a ride the speedo basically stopped working as it registered my speed as <4kph, but fluctuating up & down wildly while annoyed hell out of me as the unit beeped every minute to tell me it was pausing! Gradients were also wildly out, even after I did a reset and made it run setup again. On an M7 ride it reported the gradient as +25% followed by -98%

Another reset and one successful ride it then malfunctioned again yesterday recording an Akuna Bay ride as 38k's at an avg of 11.8kph, although the unit had recorded the entire 110k ride route correctly. So, I hit the forums and found others have had issues. I then found a post about how to 'downgrade' back to v2.8 and have successfully done so, although it wiped the unit back to a first setup state so all previous rides and settings have been deleted (I did backup first though). FYI: For downgrade instructions see here >> ... 07948.html and download the v2.8 firmware by pasting this URL into your browser >>

So, given the popularity of these devices, has anybody else in the club upgraded? Had any issues?

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Postby Dougie » 27 Aug 2012, 08:59

hmmmm. i have to check if i have done the upgrade. i noticed that i was moving at 4kph the other day, standing still. i just figured it was either the plate in my head or the fillings in my teeth causing cosmic interference.......

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Postby Stuart » 01 Sep 2012, 12:09

Update for anyone interested. Still have problems with the speedo on my Garmin following downgrade. Pursuing other possibilities for issues.

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Postby Beanzy » 01 Sep 2012, 20:52

I have had no problems since upgrade.

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Postby rhys » 02 Sep 2012, 12:50

Mine registers speeds of below 2km/h at idle too, but mine did this pre-update. The only differences the update made for me is that it doesnt auto-restart until you're over 5km/h, and you can now have 5 screens.

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Postby andrewb » 02 Sep 2012, 13:12

It sounds like the garmin is ignoring the speed sensor in favour of the GPS.

I thought of this this morning, and just checked by firing it up, waiting for it to recognise the speed/cadence sensor, then spinning the rear wheel while the bike was stationary.

The speed reading sat at 0 until I spun the wheel, then it showed a sensible reading, then went back to 0 once I stopped the wheel.

Might be worth checking. If it indicates that it's not getting speed from the wheel spinning, could be a setting in the garmin, non-connection to sensor, or even something silly like the magnet is twisted or too far away.

Just my AUD0.02 worth.

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Postby rhys » 02 Sep 2012, 18:43

I don't run the magnet and only use the GPS on my road bike. I'll add the magnet and see how I go.

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Postby Stuart » 03 Sep 2012, 09:03

Update 2: I changed the position of the speed / cadence transponder and did checks that it was being picked up by the head unit. All good now re speed, avg speed and distance.

@Andrew B: I agree in part but maybe the issue was that the transponder was 'half working' but just sending intermittent signals so the head unit was still relying on it and not switching full GPS mode as its supposed to if the transponder is not found?

However, this still doesn't explain why cadence was still working fine and why gradient was so horribly out? Anyway, I now have a Strava record that will never be broken ... 220kph up Constitution Rd :-)

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Postby Stuart » 09 Jan 2013, 09:25

Update for 2013: I've now upgraded the unit to v3.0 again, run initial setup and re-paired the speed/cadence sensor with the head unit and all is good at alst.

The downgrade did fix my issues for a while but then I got sick and tired of the "multiple heart rate monitors found" message continuously appearing. I also started to get the issues with the speedo again. I colleague of mine in Melb is having the exact same speedo issues with his 500 that's on v2.8 so we'll see if the upgrade/re-setup fixes his issues too.

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Postby jonboy » 12 Jan 2013, 20:49

I put this off for a while and finally did the upgrade. It was the two extra screens that I was interested in.

I wish I hadn't.

Two hours later with lots of forum searching, I ended up resetting the device, starting over, reinstalling the firmware (twice), and going through all the bollocks of sensor pairing etc.

The remaining issue is the speed showing zero to 4kph while stopped. I have the speed / cadence sensor, reset that too with auto wheel setting.

So, any new upgraders, beware.

The only benefit I have from this pain is that I know much more about the Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem than I did pre-upgrade.

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Postby Nozzle » 13 Jan 2013, 19:37

If you are going to try and upgrade, be sure to back up your personal setting by following the steps here: ... 0000000%7D

If it all goes wrong and you need to factory reset, you just need to copy back a few *.fit files and you are back in action. No pairing or fiddling with screens, etc.

I've recently had to send back my Garmin for a warranty job and restoring it back into action was easy.

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Postby GregPankhurst » 14 Jan 2013, 12:09

Thinking of lashing out on a Garmin (in spite of the issues mentioned above). Any thoughts as to what is the go to model (200 v 500 v 800), and as to whether you need to by local because of geo-locks, etc?

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Postby jonboy » 14 Jan 2013, 13:12

Thinking of lashing out on a Garmin (in spite of the issues mentioned above). Any thoughts as to what is the go to model (200 v 500 v 800), and as to whether you need to by local because of geo-locks, etc?
It’s probably a really good time to buy a Garmin.

You might be aware that brand new versions were just released (510 and 810). You will probably find some of the early adopters offloading their old versions in the next month or so. There could be discounts on the 500 and 800 – not sure if these are going out of production at this time.

I think that if you are getting serious about cycling / training, it is well worth getting a Garmin. You can buy the bundle if you have the cash to splash. It will probably be cheaper and lower risk. For all their foibles, when they work (95% of the time), they are great.

The guru on all things Garmin can be accessed here: He does very detailed reviews - well worth reading before making a decision.

I bought mine from the UK and subsequently bought a heart rate monitor and cadence sensor (2nd hand but hardly used) separately on I always use the supplied USB cable from the computer to charge / upload the sensor so having a UK electrical wall plug was never going to be an issue. There are no issues I’m aware of insofar as any country specific geo-locks.

I note from the Garmin website: “Devices purchased in the United States, Canada, UK, Europe or any other country must be returned to the Garmin Service Centre in that country or to the retail store where the device was purchased. Alternatively you can choose to pay the non-warranty repair rate.”

This is my 2 cents.

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Postby JoTheBuilder » 15 Jan 2013, 15:56

Jon, I've heard that if you buy from the UK you have to get the Australian maps separately. Was this the case?

Greg, I have an 800. Was very pricey but it was my birthday at the time so entirely justified. It's great but I don't think I use it to it's full potential. I also worry I'm going to lose it given it's so small yet the same price as a small notebook computer. I'm getting there with it, and Strava has encouraged me to work out some more of it's features, but I've still got a way to go.

I was talking to someone in the shop who said it is unlikely the price of the 800 will come down with the 810 out as the technology has not changed substantially. Only the 810 has a couple of added features (such as Bluetooth - with which I have no idea what you would do with on a bike).

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Postby GregPankhurst » 15 Jan 2013, 17:15

Cheers guys. That DC rainmaker is a peach of a site John - thanks for that. Just need to convince the missus of the merits of said Garmin

Jo - guessing Bluetooth is there so you can upload via your phone rather than having to plug it in to a PC.

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Postby Stuart » 15 Jan 2013, 17:36

Bluetooth will allow you synch to Web without a cable on laptop / Mac etc. Besides that the 'follow me' stuff looks cool ....

Jo got her 800 for $600 (seen on-line for $429 including cadence & heart rate) .. it's great if you need maps which are freely available if you've got bit torrent sussed (I had no problems getting maps of Western Europe for instance). Note though the maps don't work like a car GPS. If you upload a pre-mapped ride and take a wrong turn, it won't re-calibrate and get you back on the route, you have to turn around and re-trace till you're back on said route. It will of course take you a destination by the fastest route, just like a normal GPS.

I got a 500 from Wiggle as we already had a 800 in the family and I can't take advantage of all the extra data you can display as I need reading glasses and the fields are too small, although racing against yourself on a known course could be fun / useful (not available on the 500).

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Postby Stuart » 06 Mar 2013, 16:50

So, my 500 has started playing up again over the last 2-3 months, randomly stopping receiving GPS signals and speed stops as well. Complained to Garmin via Twitter and have now sent email to with my Garmin Connect details so they take a look. Lets see what they say.

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Postby Dougie » 06 Mar 2013, 20:49

Complained to Garmin via Twitter and have now sent email to with my Garmin Connect details so they take a look. Lets see what they say.
From: Garmin Guys
To: Stuart
Subject: My Garmin's a Harmin'

Hi Stuart,
Thanks for your Tweet. We checked your Garmin out. In fact we checked YOU out too. We have been watching you for some time. We know everything there is to know about you. We have come to the conclusion that the problem is the interference caused by the plate in your head. Garmin cannot be held responsible for users causing interference with the satellite coverage. We note though that since you never go anywhere interesting it really shouldn't matter.

On behalf of Garmin we thank you for your feedback. Rest assured that should you need us in the future, we'll be watching you.

Pat McGroyne
Chief Surveillance Officer

Garmin - You Can Ride, But You Can't Hide

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Postby marc2131 » 06 Mar 2013, 21:11

You should be in advertising Dougie.
Not that I'd recommend it.

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Postby James Rogers » 08 Mar 2013, 14:48

I upgraded to v3 and one of the tabs on the back of my 500 broke off. Coincidence? I think not.

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Postby Philip » 08 Mar 2013, 14:51

I upgraded to v3 and one of the tabs on the back of my 500 broke off. Coincidence? I think not.

I think that's a connection issue, definitely not a coincidence!

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Postby Trouty » 09 Mar 2013, 18:29

From: Garmin Guys
To: Stuart
Subject: My Garmin's a Harmin'

Hi Stuart,
Thanks for your Tweet. We checked your Garmin out. In fact we checked YOU out too. We have been watching you for some time. We know everything there is to know about you. We have come to the conclusion that the problem is the interference caused by the plate in your head. Garmin cannot be held responsible for users causing interference with the satellite coverage. We note though that since you never go anywhere interesting it really shouldn't matter.

On behalf of Garmin we thank you for your feedback. Rest assured that should you need us in the future, we'll be watching you.

Pat McGroyne
Chief Surveillance Officer

Garmin - You Can Ride, But You Can't Hide
Awesome Dougie, very funny. Stu and I both cracking up

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Postby Stuart » 05 Oct 2013, 13:07

FYI: Need a Garmin firmware version and can't find it. Here's a URL to all of the required downloads for many devices in cluding 500/510, 800/810

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