DHBC Juniors Training, News and Statistics 12 December 2012

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James Rogers
Posts: 457
Joined: 13 Nov 2011, 09:58
Location: Newtown

Postby James Rogers » 15 Dec 2012, 09:52

Hello everyone,


First – IMPORTANT! This Wednesday, 19 December, will be the Junior's Christmas BBQ.

Same time, same place as normal training.

Colin has declared himself the sausage, sauce and bun king, but we ask everyone to please bring a plate to share! (You know, like salad and stuff).

Look forward to seeing everyone there, all are welcome.


Also, don't forget the Christmas Carnival (27-30 December), which will be held at a number of locations, including Tempe on December 30.

We encourage all juniors with race licenses to attend, entry is $10 on the day (for Tempe) and loads of fun.

For more details see: http://www.rawtrack.com.au/index.php/topic,581.0.html

Helpers needed! DHBC is the host for the 30 December, so anyone interested in helping staff the canteen etc., please let us know.


21 riders on Wednesday night, with some glorious summer weather (sunshine!) making the evening all the easier and pleasant.

I apologise for there not being a stats page attached to this report, because I left my stop-watch at home. I blame too much Christmas cheer for my absentmindedness.

Christian was back again to hit the track, and Momo (aka "the other Taku") was taken for more thorough training and spin on the track by Lizanne.

Christian's lap times were:
1 Lap - 49.0
2 Lap - 1.33.6 (47.7, 45.8 )

We started the session with an 8 lap warm up, but skipped doing pace line work to go straight into Catch the Bunch. After a little bit of a false start, we started again with Colin and I keeping the pace down to a reasonable 22km/h. Everyone did very well jumping off the front and catching the next bunch. Some notable improvement in the speed of the Group A riders.

Group C spent their time on the rollers warming up, and Tom Bolton took the Cs through the concepts involved in Team Sprints and the differences between Dunc Gray and Tempe.

The groups swapped around, and two teams from the Cs came onto the track to do Team Sprint practise. Francis, Taku, and Broughton are competing in the U15 Team Sprint on Sunday morning, so it was important for them to get some of the concepts down. Francis did well starting from the gate, and the boys concentrated on keeping on each other's wheel and getting as aerodynamic as possible. Alison, Matthew and Rohan also did a sprint; with Alison showing some great form on the bike (some great work at the Saturday women's track training showing through).

After this we did everyone's favourite, the Keirin. Colin played a convincing derny and each group got to race, with the Bs getting split up into two groups (and some lucky riders getting to do the race twice – well done Ruby). The Cs did a good fast ride with a battle for the line between Taku and Broughton at the end.

As the sun started to peter out, we were well out of time, but did manage to slip in another Team Sprint for the rather tired U15s. The changes got a lot better (a critical part of the team sprint are the change-overs between riders). Good luck on Sunday!

Thanks to Colin, Lizanne, Tom and all the parent/handlers.

Don't forget the BBQ next week!


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