job opportunity

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Posts: 667
Joined: 03 Feb 2008, 13:44

Postby Camilla » 05 Dec 2011, 12:26

A job offer that came to me through the DHBC site. I thought it couldn't hurt to pass it on. Enough of you do such things in your spare time for free after all!


My company, Bikeroar, is an Online Bicycle Review and Information site and we are currently looking for an Online Content Supervisor for our website.

We are looking for applicants who are passionate about cycling and we feel that there is no better way to go about this than to look for these very people through Australia’s cycling clubs.

For your information, our office is based in Yatala, Queensland. However, if you do not live near Yatala and would still like to apply, we would allow applicants to work from home, so long as they have a fast internet connection.

The job offers flexible working hours; it can be Full-Time, Part-Time or Casual

If more information is required, here is the link for the job ad which would provide greater information as to what the tasks, requirements and responsibilities of the job are: ... e/21237536

You can also call Laith Beveridge at 07 3382 5013 for more information.
We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Jonathan Chua
HR Department

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