Eleri Cleans Up

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Postby Trouty » 01 Dec 2011, 22:47

It's a shame Eleri had to leave the Presentation early last night, but I thought this photo of all her awards would give her a visual indication whilst she is in Adelaide, on just how much she has achieved in her very short foray into cycling. She has gone from being a novice recreational rider to a Cycle Skills Coach, "Adventure Ride Leader", Regular Masters Road / Track racer, and an Eddie Sales Cup E grade Silver medallist in the space of a year or so. All this whilst holding down a demanding job, studying for a law degree, being personal cycle coach to her partner who swore he would never wear Lycra, and writing training programs for some of our other novice riders with the view to upgrade her coaching accreditation further. Well done Eleri - you do us woman proud, and it's exhausting just thinking about where you find the time or energy!

A special mention to Pete for making the neon flashing DHBC Chief Wildlife Officer Award for the commemoration of Eleri catching a bird between her handlebars. It's the most butt ugly looking award I've ever seen - but worth it's weight in gold. Also Congratulations to every one else that got an award, and especially to the people (Simon, James, Camilla and co) who put a lot of organisation, personal time and effort into making it a great night for everyone. DHBC Rocks!


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Postby Eleri » 02 Dec 2011, 08:36

aaaw! :oops:

Thanks everyone - I really wish I could have stayed but ...Adelaide. It's not raining here!

Jo, thanks for a lovely post. Really, DHBC is such a wonderful club to be a part of.

Pete - that's a trophy and a half! I'm looking forward to seeing it in the flesh (so to speak). I knew that Environmental Sciences degree would come in useful one day.

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Postby rhys » 02 Dec 2011, 08:54

That trophy is so good! Well done Eleri, now you have to keep up the good work :)

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Postby Camilla » 02 Dec 2011, 18:34

And that's without the flashing lights! I had to get Adam to turn them off for the remainder of the awards ceremony, as people in the vicinity were in danger of fitting. No need for a Christmas tree this year at chez Farrar-Morgan-Thomas, that's for sure!

I only mourn what wonder Pete would have dreamed up for James if he'd been on the Fixie century and witnessed the mad cow antics.

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