A longer adventure this time...

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Postby orphic » 04 Aug 2011, 11:42

Bob and I are currently plotting our latest adventure and we seek advice from some of the experienced tourers of DHBC.

Has anyone ridden down from Cairns before? From Perth? From Alice through the Outback or some kind of convoluted route from Sydney to anywhere and back again that has had you seeing awesome scenery and climbing big mountains?

We have 5 weeks and a 24hr to train for... Bob and I are ready to get some legs!

I'm keen to hear of experiences. I know how to look at a map and distances but I really want to know from people who have done the riding. Keep in mind I'll be on my own. Well, with Bob... But he doesn't really say or do much in the face of danger ;)

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Postby Adrian E » 04 Aug 2011, 12:54

Eugene Shilter has ridden around Australia so he'd be a good person to talk to. I know a girl Rachael who rode from Adelaide to Perth. see http://rachaeleveritt.wordpress.com/
You'd seriously want to do it in Winter.

I reckon riding to Melbourne over the alps would be just awesome then across to Adelaide along the coast if you have the time.

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Postby orphic » 04 Aug 2011, 14:36

Thanks Adrian :) I might try and get in touch with Eugene.

I would love to go to Melbourne via the Alps but I'll be leaving around the 29th August so I suspect there will still be snow? :(

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Postby jermxx » 04 Aug 2011, 22:21

I've done road support for Syd-Melb, and ridden Syd-Bris (New England Hwy, supported) many years back... About to ride Adelaide-Syd.

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Postby timyone » 04 Aug 2011, 22:50

Lol road support for syd Melbourne? Was it a three day ride?
Prth syd would be an achievement!!!

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Postby orphic » 04 Aug 2011, 23:13

Yeah Perth to Sydney was top of my list, but on further investigations I think that might be something I would want to do with someone else. There's a lot of stretches where there is nothing for a long period of time and I want to be able to do some big days and be ok with being really tired and spent, without the added stress of safe places to sleep etc etc. Trying to clear my head after quitting a job that was ultimately causing me a lot of stress, so there needs to be some kind of holiday factor!

Cairns to Sydney with some serious detours is looking pretty awesome though. Actually it will be Cairns to Canberra. C2C (hopefully one of those C's won't be for Crocodile) ;) Flights are pretty cheap and the weather is damn good up there, so why not?! There also appears to be a lot more hills in the way compared to Perth to Sydney, which might be good for me.

I'll take the inland route from Brisbane so I skip the Gold Coast *shudder*. Any suggestions of worth while detours please do so! I think maybe Lindsay has toured up that way at some point?

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Postby Eleri » 05 Aug 2011, 08:28

I'll take the inland route from Brisbane so I skip the Gold Coast *shudder*. Any suggestions of worth while detours please do so! I think maybe Lindsay has toured up that way at some point?
It depends where you go inland and which route, but I've spent a couple of Easters touring in the area south west of Ipswich. It's farming areas, lots of little towns, river flats that sort of thing. Well it was 15 years ago but since then I hear there has been a big flood.

If you go down towards Goondiwindi, through Milmerran, there's some great country around there but fewer towns. Personally I find Goondiwindi "interesting".

Another way to go that is worthwhile is through Stanthorpe, which is Qld's idea of wine country. It's also got towns, but is granite country and hillier and higher. I'm sure there are back routes through there, the highway would be a bit tedious.

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Postby JoTheBuilder » 06 Aug 2011, 18:05

Have you thought about raising money for charity at the same time? You could set something up on everydayhero.com.au and then that in itself would draw some support and possibly even riders who might come with you?

Just a thought!

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Postby scully » 07 Aug 2011, 12:06

woohoo five weeks is a nice amount of time for an adventure.
C2C = :) would make a nice dorky tshirt !!!
People are already going to assume you are doing it for charity. What kind of crazy person would go on a five week bike ride if it wasn't for charity? Don't you know how much reality tv you will miss? :P
Sorry, am no help for ideas in that direction. If you end up back on the coast can provide local knowledge and accommodation around the central coast area(long jetty).
Maybe other people can also offer places to stay?
I'm sure you and bob are already reading lots of blogs for ideas.Are you on couchsurfers?

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Postby orphic » 07 Aug 2011, 13:21

I did kind of think about the charity thing but it would feel really odd because this is a totally selfish, soul searching mission! I would feel some kind of responsibility to actually follow a designated route or number of km's or something if people were donating... Although raising money for somewhere like JDRF would be cool and rather fitting.

Not a member of couch surfers but I am actually pretty keen to camp every night. Just means I can ride until I can't ride no more then pitch a tent without have the pressure of having to get to a particular area, or the dissapointment of getting to that area too soon when I feel like pedalling some more!

I've been doing some Google Earthing and once you get down to the general Coffs area there are all of these big green areas with pointy things and windy roads that look pretty cool... So I am kind of formulating a plan to B line it to there and then do some exploring. I also like the idea of riding Grafton to Inverell with Bob :D

I think I have woken up pretty much everyday this week with a "holy crap did I really just quit my job" feeling. It's odd, but man it feels good!

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Postby scully » 07 Aug 2011, 17:52

green and pointy does look good

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Postby shrubb face » 08 Aug 2011, 12:16

I don't really have much constructive to added other than the fact I'm very jealous.

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Postby Trouty » 08 Aug 2011, 15:39

Good luck with it Vic.

Seriously...I couldn't think of anything worse than towing a "Bob" and travelling 1000's of miles on my own on a bike. I like company - but every one is different. Although I do like the quitting your job bit. If only I could do that and still get paid.

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Postby orphic » 08 Aug 2011, 15:52

Thanks all! :)

I'm also moving to Canberra at the end of it... Better make sure I get a final slowies and Waterfall in before I go!!

If you know anyone looking for an IT Storage specialist down there let me know ;)

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Postby mikesbytes » 13 Aug 2011, 16:09

So when do we start referring to you as Amiee's sister?

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Postby orphic » 17 Aug 2011, 15:00

I'm already Aimee's sister, and she's already Victoria's sister... We are also sisters of another sister and sisters of two brothers and daughters of a mother and father. Pretty sure you could have figured that one out Mike!

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Postby mikesbytes » 17 Aug 2011, 15:05

That's a lot of bro's and sis's, must date back to the days when NZ only had one TV channel

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Postby orphic » 17 Aug 2011, 15:07

Sure thing bru!

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Postby orphic » 23 Aug 2011, 13:58


Super rough map that could be considered a plan, only really for the purposes of people being able to look at it and say "hey you should really go and check out this super cool town on the way". Also need to make check points for each week so I don't get too distracted and make it within the time frame. I can see myself riding trails around upper NSW for a week and then realising I have a few days to get to Canberra...

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Postby scully » 23 Aug 2011, 17:37

cool!!! a kinda plan.
Very exciting. It all sounds amazing apart from the moving to Canberra bit *shudder*
Will there be some kind of blogtacularness? I love a good touring blog. Also love the crap ones.

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Postby orphic » 30 Aug 2011, 18:44

I make absolutely no promises at all to update http://orphic.couchblip.com/

But I do promise this map will be updating periodically with my location ;)

http://share.findmespot.com/shared/face ... XTBUgFTnUR

Only after I start moving though... Which is in the morning. Eeek!

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Postby T-Bone » 30 Aug 2011, 18:51

Good Luck!! and Have Fun!!

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Postby Camilla » 02 Sep 2011, 00:04

5 weeks! No way! Soooooo jealous. The world is your (& Bob's) oyster. Be free; laugh, cry and wonder.

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