Goulburn to Citi

Bicycle related chatter & discussion
Posts: 30
Joined: 09 Aug 2007, 21:31

Postby karen » 21 Sep 2007, 11:55

Hi, for those not out cycling on Sunday I thought I would remind you that the Goulburn to Citi is on. There is the ride and also a lifestyle expo/festival which will be held in Camden. Jack Hepher will be attending for the day to chat to anyone interested in hearing stories about what it was like to ride in the event back in the 30's. There will also be a few old bikes one of which was riden in this event in 1932. If you mish to meet an old cycling great (he is 92) or see some bikes that were around before carbon fibre was invented, stop by the Hillbrick stand and say hi.



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