Jo too Slow to be the Slowies Coach

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Postby Trouty » 26 Oct 2008, 20:05

There seems to be a lot of slowies that have defected to the fast group. Officially - Dave, Darryl, Colin & Steve (Pinerallo) have outgrown us -TRAITORS!!. Actually I am just jealous as that transition into the Fast group seems to forever allude me. Good on Amy this week for following me and trying to hang on to the FASTIES. We didn't last long but we gave it a go, but fell behind due to a flat (and the fact we were buggered at the hills). Lucky Mateous was with us and Lindsay caught up, as both Amy and I are absolutely useless at changing tubes.

I have officially resigned as the Sat Slowies coach seeing most of the other Saturday slowies riders are faster than me. I am claiming that the improvement has been way too fast and all those defectors are on the ROIDs.

I heard the slow bunch this week was fast anyway, the numbers are getting quite big - we may soon have to get a 3rd group together? Anyway - Hope to see every one on the Gong ride - Meet at 6 - for a 6.30 departure. Location is the car park on the southern side of the brick kiln, Sydney Park.
Last edited by Trouty on 27 Oct 2008, 20:48, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby williamd » 26 Oct 2008, 20:27

See you at the gong ride coach.

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Postby insomniac » 27 Oct 2008, 09:08

Geez Slow Coach - I'm still in Slowies and I still need a coach!

Why should I be disadvantaged, just 'cos a few other riders get on the juice and go up to fasties? Its not fair - what about us clean riders?????

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Postby mikesbytes » 27 Oct 2008, 15:49

Jo, sounds like you need some 'riods

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Postby Trouty » 27 Oct 2008, 19:46

Why should I be disadvantaged, just 'cos a few other riders get on the juice and go up to fasties? Its not fair - what about us clean riders?????
Oh well Insomniac - if it's good enough for Cadel you too have to learn how to deal with riding with "tainted" riders. I am sure after I personally take all their A & B samples prior to the Gong - they will be outed soon enough. Actually - I might leave the job of taking their samples for Stuart. You and I can be proud of the fact that we are clean warriors - although I admittedly did have a lot of champagne in my blood stream on Sunday morning (as did Stuart).

So looks like Mike insomniac is leading us out on Sunday with Lindsay/Geoff.

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Postby weiyun » 27 Oct 2008, 20:41

There seems to be a lot of slowies that have defected to the fast group. Officially - Dave, Darryl, Colin & Steve (Pinerallo) have outgrown us -TRAITORS!!. Actually I am just jealous as that transition into the Fast group seems to forever allude me.
1) You should be proud of your "off-spring" who have excelled and "defected". Just shows your coaching method works!
2) Keep trying at staying with the faster group. It may take time, but it will also make you faster! :wink:

In any case, I suspect you'll defect soon enough...

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Postby Daryl » 27 Oct 2008, 22:12

I tried the Fast group...I tried! I am still paying for it now! ;-)

I ended up riding with HERT most of the way who picked me up after Sutherland and dropped me back off at the servo. So I can't say that I've ridden with the Fast group yet. :-) I must admit that HERT's call outs were pretty poor as there were a few dangerous situations that scared the bee-gee-bees out of the Sydney City cyclist and I.

Where does the Fast group get their energy?! I was so tired after the ride and they can still sprint up those hills all the way back to Cafe BoBo's.

Think I'll need to continue many more of Coach Jo's sessions...Thanks Jo!:-)

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Postby weiyun » 27 Oct 2008, 22:25

Where does the Fast group get their energy?! I was so tired after the ride and they can still sprint up those hills all the way back to Cafe BoBo's.
I had that same thoughts when I came back to cycling. But gradually you'll get there. It just takes time to build up your power and endurance. And the good news is, unlike some of us, you are still on the up-curve of cycling physiology.

BTW, if you are not confident of a bunch you are with, then it's wiser to drop out. A little extra time to the servo is affordable but not an accident.

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Postby T-Bone » 27 Oct 2008, 23:10

Racing back to BoBo's is partially about getting the good seats in the shade, and of course getting to the coffee first (not that you get it before anyone else). So, think of the coffee, and the energy will come!!

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Postby eric » 27 Oct 2008, 23:25

I ended up riding with HERT most of the way who picked me up after Sutherland and dropped me back off at the servo.
I too was drafting behind The Hert bunch( light blue jersey) Sorry thats riding hard with Daryl behind the hert bunch . I too need some Coach Jo's sessions. Bring back The Jo... :D

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Postby jimmy » 28 Oct 2008, 07:03

As far as Jo goes as the coach, what's the expression?

Those that can, do
Those that can't, teach

I think with that I will stay away from riding for a while until I can avoid getting killed by Jo.

Also, hands up everyone who saw me out on Sunday? I know that Jo did, and that was about it. It was great seeing the three bunches out there.


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Postby timyone » 28 Oct 2008, 07:31

slow coah! i love it :D

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Postby T-Bone » 28 Oct 2008, 08:18

Also, hands up everyone who saw me out on Sunday? I know that Jo did, and that was about it. It was great seeing the three bunches out there.
I saw you on your way back, but was too late to give a wave.

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Postby weiyun » 28 Oct 2008, 08:57

Also, hands up everyone who saw me out on Sunday? I know that Jo did, and that was about it. It was great seeing the three bunches out there.
The Shadow, noticed by the Slow Coach. :roll:

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Postby Trouty » 28 Oct 2008, 19:24

Hey Eric: You know, in the years I've ridden with Dulwich Hill I always see you drafting at the back of the bunch......but it's never the Dulwich Hill Bunch? Maybe Coach Jo needs to teach you basic colour differentiating skills first. We are the red jerseys!. Oh well - maybe next time I will try and keep up with you, but I may need some drafting assistance by some of those other possible defectors. Daryl and Insomniac Mike could help drag Amy and I up there.

Oh I forgot to ad that Little Pete is also a defector. I used to be able to beat him once apon a time before he got on the juice.

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Postby micklan » 28 Oct 2008, 21:06

I hit the wall once, (thats zero energy from some jet lag), and had to rely on coach Jo (mit Stuart), to lead back...all the way from Waterfall

James I saw you too, but your jersey has faded, but we did notice.

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