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Masters Track Cyclists 50+ Required for University Study

Posted: 31 Oct 2013, 13:49
by JoTheBuilder
Hi All,

We've been contacted by James Delvecchio, a Phd student at CQU, who is conducting some research on masters sprint cyclists. He is specifically looking to investigate if the leg strength and power of masters cyclists is affected by age to the same degree of age-matched sedentary controls.

The research will involve a series of physiological tests to assess muscle strength, power and explosiveness which will be compared to sedentary age-matched controls.

He is targeting both male and female cyclists over 50 years.

He is also happy to offer FREE advice (sports, nutrition and exercise science topics) to ANY members who are interested.

Luke's email is for those that are interested or simply let me know and I can pass your details over to him.


Re: Masters Track Cyclists 50+ Required for University Study

Posted: 05 Nov 2013, 17:02
by MarkL
I sent an inquiry and received a positive reply.

Re: Masters Track Cyclists 50+ Required for University Study

Posted: 03 Dec 2013, 13:19
by JoTheBuilder
Hi All,

Luke Delvecchio will be at the track on Monday night, 16th December, at 630 pm to discuss his research. He is also open to any questions anyone might have on exercise and performance.

Anyone is welcome to come along (whether 50+ or otherwise).


Re: Masters Track Cyclists 50+ Required for University Study

Posted: 26 Mar 2014, 15:02
by JoTheBuilder
I've received an update from Luke:

Luke here again! I am ready now to start measuring up to some of your clubs masters cyclists over 50, we will be running the study of the Kogarah police boys club and asking interested participants to book in to attend for the following slots:

1. Saturday Morning 8am-1pm (during April/May)
2. Sunday morning 8am-12pm (april/ may)
3. Tuesday Evening 5pm-8pm

For those who are interested, his email address is above. Please contact him direct.
