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Postby mikesbytes » 17 Dec 2011, 09:26

I didn't start wearing a helmet all the time until 1999. True I owned one since 1982, but I wore it when I felt like it and didn't wear it when I didn't feel like it.

However I won't ride anymore without one, there's been too many incidents where the helmet did its job, including for one poor chap last weekend.

I went skiing last year for the first time in 17 years. By the end of day one I was on the black runs, by day 3 the speeds were crazy. Next time I go skiing, I'm going to wear a helmet.

Poor Molly is in deep s**t after falling from a ladder. OK I've been up a ladder a 1000 times, but it only takes one stuff up. I'm considering wearing a helmet when I do that too.

At the end of the day bones heal but your brain doesn't

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Postby weiyun » 17 Dec 2011, 12:56

Percentage of people using ski helmet has been increasing significantly although resistance is clear.

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Postby rhys » 17 Dec 2011, 16:07

Having all kinds of trouble embedding this youtube. Forget it.

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