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Ken Dinnerville 2010 race entries open

Posted: 31 Dec 2009, 09:19
by kiwiames
Ive been told this is a good race to do, its on the 30th may. The entries are limited to the first 170 and theres allready 117 entered. with all the track stuff at the moment its easy to forget considering its awhile away.

so this is a reminder to everyone!


Posted: 31 Dec 2009, 09:45
by christian
Although I said I'd never ride another road race, I've entered. Its a good race and occasionally you hit a smooth patch of road.

Posted: 31 Dec 2009, 10:12
I'm in now too. Hopefully I'll last longer than my 15kms at Coota.

Posted: 31 Dec 2009, 10:19
by geoff m

Bookings opened about 2 months earlier than usual.

I guarantee this race will be oversubscribed by end of today or next business day.

If you want to ride it you have to book now

No joking

I've justed booked from a horse stud farm in Qld on by crackberry

Posted: 31 Dec 2009, 10:36
by christian
You'll last longer then 15kms. I managed to finish 14th last year. Its a handicap, so you just work until your bunch gets caught, then you can just sit in and wait for the mayhem at the end where the road narrows.

Posted: 31 Dec 2009, 10:55
by othy
Not sure if I can ride it but I've booked anyway.

Posted: 31 Dec 2009, 11:01
by PeterOS
I just booked too.

Posted: 31 Dec 2009, 11:08
by mikesbytes

Posted: 31 Dec 2009, 11:35
by Anthony
how do you register for this one? Is it on the illawarra website?

Posted: 31 Dec 2009, 11:44
by PeterOS
Go to cycling NSW website, and look under events.

Posted: 31 Dec 2009, 11:56
by Camilla
I'm in. Nothing to lose, except what's left of my dignity. Which isn't much.

But seriously, it sounds like a good road race to have a first crack at: handicapped, reasonable distance, loop ride, and not too far from Sydney.

Posted: 31 Dec 2009, 12:26
by orphic
I've entered as well. I will second Camilla's thoughts on it sounding like a good road race to start with. I embarrass myself almost weekly at track racing, may as well do it on the road too ;)

Posted: 31 Dec 2009, 12:48
by Anthony
Hmm, want to register but need to get my CA license number. Only have a receipt at the moment.

Posted: 31 Dec 2009, 13:19
by PeterOS
Your CA number stays the same, whatever you had this year is the same for 2010.

Posted: 31 Dec 2009, 13:27
by micklan
In. missed it in 2009 due to oversubscribed in... :shock:

Posted: 31 Dec 2009, 13:46
by shrubb face
Im in.

Posted: 31 Dec 2009, 14:03
by Trouty
I'm in....I am sure I will regret it but I have 5 months to work on it.

Posted: 31 Dec 2009, 17:15
by Julio

Posted: 31 Dec 2009, 17:27
by T-Bone
I'm in, thanks for the heads up.

Should be an interesting weekend with the Sydney road titles the day before.

Posted: 31 Dec 2009, 17:40
by timyone

Posted: 01 Jan 2010, 15:42
by AnthonyI
I'm in. Sounds like a good first race for me..

Posted: 01 Jan 2010, 22:19
by weiyun
In. First race entry as MMAS4.

Posted: 02 Jan 2010, 12:49
by paul
I've entered. My first road race.


Posted: 02 Jan 2010, 13:52
by mcrkennedy
I have entered. My second go and this time I will try to not DNF.

Posted: 02 Jan 2010, 15:01
by mikesbytes
In. First race entry as MMAS4.
MMAS4... welcome to the real category :)

Posted: 02 Jan 2010, 22:01
by weiyun
22 DHBC riders entered at this point and we've easily beat our previous best effort of 14 riders in 2008.

Posted: 03 Jan 2010, 09:07
by geoff m
22 DHBC riders entered at this point and we've easily
beat our previous best effort of 14 riders in 2008.
I'm a virgin MMAS4 as well

Posted: 03 Jan 2010, 10:06
by Strawburger
i think it's sold out. just went on to enter and it did not come up with the event.

Posted: 03 Jan 2010, 10:12
by weiyun
I can't check if it has sold out or not as I have already signed on, but go to Event Entry -> Online Entry drop down menu and then sign in with your membership ID. The available races should all be listed on the page.

Posted: 03 Jan 2010, 10:43
by Strawburger
I can't check if it has sold out or not as I have already signed on, but go to Event Entry -> Online Entry drop down menu and then sign in with your membership ID. The available races should all be listed on the page.
Yeah, it's not coming up there so i can assume that it's either full or i'm somehow not eligible :cry:

Posted: 03 Jan 2010, 18:29
by mikesbytes
Yeah, it's not coming up there so i can assume that it's either full or i'm somehow not eligible :cry:
Have another crack at it tomorrow, sometimes their system plays up

Posted: 04 Jan 2010, 09:23
by G
Have another crack at it tomorrow, sometimes their system plays up
I tried but dont get it in the list of races I can compete in. Do I need to have done some other races to be eligible?

Posted: 04 Jan 2010, 09:46
by kiwiames
No it just means the 170 rider limit as been reached.
it sells out quickly every year, so you snooze you lose on this one.

Posted: 04 Jan 2010, 21:38
by Julio
Name Club Category

BRIERS, Timothy Dulwich Hill BC ELITEM
CHIDGEY, Michael Dulwich Hill BC ELITEM
FOWLER, James Dulwich Hill BC ELITEM
LLEWELLYN, Timothy Dulwich Hill BC ELITEM
NGUYEN, John Dulwich Hill BC ELITEM
WALLMAN, Matthew Dulwich Hill BC ELITEM

ARMSTRONG, Victoria Dulwich Hill BC ELITEW
VESTY, Amy Dulwich Hill BC ELITEW

CHUBB, Alexander Dulwich Hill BC M23

BERRY, Simon Dulwich Hill BC MMAS1

IMPALA, Anthony Dulwich Hill BC MMAS2
LEES, Christian Dulwich Hill BC MMAS2
STOCKWELL, Julian Dulwich Hill BC MMAS2

ARMISHAW, Paul Dulwich Hill BC MMAS4
BREGOLIN, Nick Dulwich Hill BC MMAS4
CLEMENT, Michael Dulwich Hill BC MMAS4
LACEY, Mark Dulwich Hill BC MMAS4
LANGDON, Michael Dulwich Hill BC MMAS4
MARTIN, Geoff Dulwich Hill BC MMAS4
O'SULLIVAN, Peter Dulwich Hill BC MMAS4
YU, Weiyun Dulwich Hill BC MMAS4

KENNEDY, Michael Dulwich Hill BC MMAS5

NORMAN, Camilla Dulwich Hill BC WMAS2

TROUTMAN, Joanne Dulwich Hill BC WMAS4

Posted: 04 Jan 2010, 22:04
by mikesbytes

Posted: 05 Jan 2010, 08:10
by Strawburger
Have another crack at it tomorrow, sometimes their system plays up
I tried but dont get it in the list of races I can compete in. Do I need to have done some other races to be eligible?
I tried again with no luck so i completed a manual entry form and it got accepted.

Posted: 05 Jan 2010, 08:13
by Strawburger
Does anyone know Sheamus? Apparently he lived in my apartment a few years ago... I get some of his mail!

Posted: 05 Jan 2010, 09:29
by G
I tried again with no luck so i completed a manual entry form and it got accepted.
I completed manual entry, but got a ding! :(

Posted: 05 Jan 2010, 09:48
by orphic
Does anyone know Sheamus? Apparently he lived in my apartment a few years ago... I get some of his mail!
I guess Simon would since it looks like he did the Dinnerville with him in '05 (and with a last name like that he might have the same colour hair too...)

Posted: 05 Jan 2010, 10:44
by weiyun
Does anyone know Sheamus? Apparently he lived in my apartment a few years ago... I get some of his mail!
He was a member of our club but has gone to Ireland. Ask GeoffM for current contact info or try his little used forum ID (shaymoo).

Posted: 05 Jan 2010, 11:47
by timyone
we are preparing for a full on assault of this race this year. Though my sort of preperation for most of these things involves mainly chocolate milk and coffee :)

Posted: 05 Jan 2010, 13:29
by Anthony
Will there be any race tactics for the Dulwich Hill ELITEM & MMAS4 teams?

Posted: 05 Jan 2010, 13:37
by weiyun
Will there be any race tactics for the Dulwich Hill ELITEM & MMAS4 teams?
It's a handicap so age grading isn't relevant. There's one nasty hill on the course and the bunch would push the pace to drop riders, repeated 3 times. So get your climbing legs ready along with an endurance base for 92km at race pace.

Posted: 05 Jan 2010, 13:49
by Trouty
It's a handicap so age grading isn't relevant. There's one nasty hill on the course and the bunch would push the pace to drop riders, repeated 3 times. So get your climbing legs ready along with an endurance base for 92km at race pace.
Hills?...who said hills? Camilla told me there were only down hills. Camilla you big liar!! Can I back out now?

Posted: 05 Jan 2010, 13:56
by weiyun
Hills?...who said hills? Camilla told me there were only down hills. Camilla you big liar!! Can I back out now?
You'll be fine and will enjoy the challenge. I'd say the hill is more like a short sharp riser of around 7-8%, nothing sustaining like RNP and similar.

If you really want out, I suspect your entry ticket can fetch good prices on the black market. ;)

I just hope they've resurfaced some of the sections since 2008.

Posted: 05 Jan 2010, 14:02
by timyone
far out?!!! what a line up of Team DHBC!!! i hope you all realise that im there to beat all of you :D
Especially Camilla :D i wish to prove that my Coffee and milkshakes diet is far superior to wine and cheese :)

Posted: 05 Jan 2010, 14:37
by T-Bone
I just hope they've resurfaced some of the sections since 2008.
I hope they've filled in some of the Potholes since 2009!!

Posted: 05 Jan 2010, 14:39
by christian
Isn't it the bad road surface that makes this race exciting....

Posted: 05 Jan 2010, 14:41
by Trouty
far out?!!! what a line up of Team DHBC!!! i hope you all realise that im there to beat all of you :D
Especially Camilla :D i wish to prove that my Coffee and milkshakes diet is far superior to wine and cheese :)
Hate to say it Tim.....Nothing can beat Camilla if she has been out boozing all night on red wine and cheese. Apart from killing off competition with her wine breath, red wine seems to be equavalent to blood doping for Killer Camilla.

On an unrelated note: DHBC has some Kick Ass woman names now. I really dig "Megatron", now there's also "Killer Camilla" and I just thought then of "V8 Vesty". Maybe I should change my name to "Troutor" - sounds meaner than Trouty. That is as far as Ive got with the woman so far.

Posted: 05 Jan 2010, 14:44
by weiyun
Isn't it the bad road surface that makes this race exciting....
So who are riding their CF deep dish for this race? :lol:

Posted: 05 Jan 2010, 14:47
by weiyun
I hope they've filled in some of the Potholes since 2009!!
Maybe people should send reminder emails to ICC on this. Someone local can easily contact the council a week or two before the race for a request to fill in those nasties. Councils are usually quite good in fixing these and avoid potential liabilities when reported through proper channels.

Posted: 05 Jan 2010, 14:50
by orphic
Perhaps Camilla should get to work on making her own red wine gels? Over 92km she might need a few of them...

Posted: 05 Jan 2010, 17:58
by kiwiames
The entries for this race are officially closed now, this was on the cycling nsw website.

'Kevin Young, Monday, 4 January 2010

Cycling NSW wishes to advise the 2010 Ken Dinnerville road open scheduled for Sunday 30th May 2010 has closed oversubscribed.

With race fields restricted to 150 riders due to the narrow roads used and the popularity of the event, race organizers have had to close the event.'

DHBC got a good number of entrants in, my question is for anyone who did this last year .... how do the handicaps work???

Posted: 05 Jan 2010, 18:05
by weiyun
Same as all others. The bunch with the largest handicap starts first and then sequential bunches follow in time order. Then it's a mad ride to stay away from the chasing bunches and chase the bunches in front. By mid-race or a little later, the aggregating bunches can be very big with long elastics. On that short hill and at the turn around, it's not a good idea to be towards the back of the pack.

Posted: 05 Jan 2010, 20:38
by shrubb face
So who are riding their CF deep dish for this race? :lol:
I certainly will be, tubular wheels are so very nice to race on.

Posted: 05 Jan 2010, 22:35
by mikesbytes
DHBC got a good number of entrants in, my question is for anyone who did this last year .... how do the handicaps work???
DHBC will probably have to submit recommendations for unknown riders.

Last year I was on 10 minutes and rode with the flu. I'm guessing you will be on 5 minutes

Posted: 06 Jan 2010, 05:50
by Trouty
Last year I was on 10 minutes and rode with the flu. I'm guessing you will be on 5 minutes
I am guessing Lindsay submits the handicaps?

Posted: 06 Jan 2010, 16:44
by mikesbytes
Not 100% sure how it works, for unknown riders there is nothing for the club to do, for known riders, some sort of advice comes from the club, I think that is Lindsay

Posted: 06 Jan 2010, 17:04
by weiyun
At the end of the day, lower grades don't stand a chance over 92km. It's ride, ride, ride, get over taken, join/draft the new bunch, get over taken by A bunch and try to hang on and get dropped at the next hammer down section.

I remember in the 2008 edition, one of the fellow rider in the bunch was a local and knew the exact speed we needed to maintain to stand a chance at the finish line. It was something like 38km/h. Yeah, right. :roll:

It's more about the experience and fun.

Posted: 06 Jan 2010, 17:51
by Trouty
At the end of the day, lower grades don't stand a chance over 92km. It's ride, ride, ride, get over taken, join/draft the new bunch, get over taken by A bunch and try to hang on and get dropped at the next hammer down section.

I remember in the 2008 edition, one of the fellow rider in the bunch was a local and knew the exact speed we needed to maintain to stand a chance at the finish line. It was something like 38km/h. Yeah, right. :roll:

It's more about the experience and fun.
Yep - I am totally expecting to just ride, get over taken, draft, draft draft, and certainly at some point get dropped. Totally about the experience for me, but I guess a good handicap reduces the level at which you get annihilated.

Posted: 06 Jan 2010, 21:46
by mikesbytes
That's why I didn't win in 2008, my average speed as only 37.89907312km/h. I needed to be traveling 0.10092688km/h faster

Joanne, I'm not the state handicapper, but I'd guess that the handicaps are going to be something like;
Club D grade -> Limit
Club C grade -> 5 or 10 minutes
Club B grade -> 15 minutes

I've had a surf around for previous handicaps and didn't find them

I found the following results

Posted: 07 Jan 2010, 08:19
by wallman
At the end of the day, lower grades don't stand a chance over 92km. It's ride, ride, ride, get over taken, join/draft the new bunch, get over taken by A bunch and try to hang on and get dropped at the next hammer down section.
That might be generally true, but the whole point of a handicapping system is to reduce the inevitability of such a scenario and it's worked for this race over the last two years as the scratchies and nearby groups have failed to catch and the win has been taken by the middle groups. Illawarra CC put quite a bit of focus on this race and I would expect to see a lot of their riders on the middle marks.

Posted: 07 Jan 2010, 10:08
by weiyun
When I referred to the lower grades, I meant the lower end. The situation is similar to our club crits. For the weaker riders, sustaining 92km non-stop at race pace is already a big enough challenge.

Posted: 07 Jan 2010, 21:55
by geoff m
This is one race which has favoured the middle and slower field over the years. There was of course the controversial win of DHBC's own Shamus O'Halloran in 2005 with third to DHBC rider Andrew Duggan (now Easts), both of whom started at Limit (which is the slowest bunch - first bunch to leave).

Two years ago I was in Limit bunch and was riding with Amanda Spratt's dad Graeme from Penrith club. He hadn't ridden for about 15 years in a race (or so he said), and was good in his young days. He managed to come second in the whole race, in the sprint. Not bad for a MMAS 6. He came in the top 10 last year, but wasn't Limit, but back a bit.

So this race does have a good history of spreading the wins out across the field, and not just to the Scratchies (the last bunch to leave - the fastest Group)

Posted: 08 Jan 2010, 13:25
by Camilla
Perhaps Camilla should get to work on making her own red wine gels? Over 92km she might need a few of them...
What? Are there no pubs along the way? No one told me that! How am I possibly expected to beat Tim now?

Posted: 19 Jan 2010, 15:48
by G
Changed my luck! I is in ;)

Posted: 20 Jan 2010, 12:26
by PeterOS
Changed my luck! I is in ;)
How ?

Re: Ken Dinnerville race entries open

Posted: 30 Apr 2010, 14:50
by weiyun
Girls and boys... 30 days and counting down!

Re: Ken Dinnerville race entries open

Posted: 30 Apr 2010, 14:52
by shrubb face
not looking forward to the handicaps :(

Re: Ken Dinnerville race entries open

Posted: 30 Apr 2010, 15:35
by G
How do we get there?!

Re: Ken Dinnerville race entries open

Posted: 30 Apr 2010, 16:06
by Julio
How do we get there?!
ride :D

Re: Ken Dinnerville race entries open

Posted: 30 Apr 2010, 16:09
by mikesbytes
How do we get there?!
Drive or catch the train

Re: Ken Dinnerville race entries open

Posted: 06 May 2010, 07:15
by geoff m
I've got room for one person in my car and one bike on the roofracks. Let me know if anyone is interests

Re: Ken Dinnerville race entries open

Posted: 06 May 2010, 08:48
by mikesbytes
I've got room for one person in my car and one bike on the roofracks. Let me know if anyone is interests
Thanks geoff, I'll take you up on that

Re: Ken Dinnerville race entries open

Posted: 06 May 2010, 08:52
by Julio
Are we going to do a convoy? Meet at MM at a certain time so that no one gets lost and stuff (I say that as I have no real idea where the race site is)

Re: Ken Dinnerville race entries open

Posted: 06 May 2010, 16:38
by Adrian E
This is also a great race to watch with all the action happening on the hill. I was planning to ride down on Sunday to watch the race. Leave Marrickville around 6:30am then leave the bunch at Waterfall. If anyone else is interested in the ride let me know.

Re: Ken Dinnerville race entries open

Posted: 06 May 2010, 23:00
by geoff m
Thanks geoff, I'll take you up on that

OK. Done. If Jules or anyone wants to follow in a convoy, let me know. Its pretty easy to get to. Just put Dapto High School into NavSat and its not too far off main highway just before Albian Park Rail.

Re: Ken Dinnerville race entries open

Posted: 06 May 2010, 23:26
by Anthony
This is also a great race to watch with all the action happening on the hill. I was planning to ride down on Sunday to watch the race. Leave Marrickville around 6:30am then leave the bunch at Waterfall. If anyone else is interested in the ride let me know.
Hey Adrian, I would definately be interested. Sounds like a good ride and have never been to Dapto. I'll let you know when we get closer to the date. Hopefully i don't have work or assignments.

Re: Ken Dinnerville race entries open

Posted: 11 May 2010, 10:36
by G
We are less than two weeks away from the race. I think rather than going for an individual race, we can work together as DHBC team(s) and lead our best sprinters to the finish line to bring home some podium finishes.

To get started, let's find out who is competing in which handicap grade. Since this will be my first road race, I guess I will be at the lowest grade? Does anyone know wot are the grades in this race?

Re: Ken Dinnerville race entries open

Posted: 11 May 2010, 13:04
by mikesbytes
The grades will be published on the web site

Re: Ken Dinnerville race entries open

Posted: 11 May 2010, 13:42
by orphic
And we are less than three weeks away from the race, not less than two.

Re: Ken Dinnerville race entries open

Posted: 11 May 2010, 13:51
by othy
I've had to cancel my entry today due to work travel. Was looking forward to this race too, and was hoping to keep my fitness progression coming out of Coota.

Re: Ken Dinnerville race entries open

Posted: 11 May 2010, 13:56
by G
I stand corrected Vic, for some reason I thought it was on the second last weekend of May?!

Re: Ken Dinnerville race entries open

Posted: 11 May 2010, 13:57
by G
Othy, you should have asked if it can be transferred to any DHBC rider who wanted to do it... I got a late entry due to someone cancel it.

Re: Ken Dinnerville race entries open

Posted: 11 May 2010, 14:12
by mikesbytes
My Handicap will be about 10 minutes off limit, those faster than me will be further back and those slower than me will be in 5 minutes off limit and limit.

Re: Ken Dinnerville race entries open

Posted: 11 May 2010, 14:17
by G
My Handicap will be about 10 minutes off limit, those faster than me will be further back and those slower than me will be in 5 minutes off limit and limit.
Wot does this mean?! :x

Re: Ken Dinnerville race entries open

Posted: 11 May 2010, 14:27
by mikesbytes
Limit starts first, then there's a group about every 5 minutes until everyone has started racing

Re: Ken Dinnerville race entries open

Posted: 11 May 2010, 14:43
by G
That makes sense! How do I know where I is starting?!

Re: Ken Dinnerville race entries open

Posted: 11 May 2010, 14:47
by mikesbytes
It will be published on Cycling NSW

Re: Ken Dinnerville race entries open

Posted: 24 May 2010, 12:12
by mcrkennedy
Hi folks

Unfortunately I will be a DNS for Ken Dinnerville. I have not been on the bike for about 4 weeks due to a combination of health issues and work commitments. I was really looking forward to it. So I will reset my sights for later in the year.


Re: Ken Dinnerville race entries open

Posted: 24 May 2010, 15:38
by weiyun
Unfortunately I will be a DNS for Ken Dinnerville. I have not been on the bike for about 4 weeks due to a combination of health issues and work commitments. I was really looking forward to it. So I will reset my sights for later in the year.
Sorry to hear that Michael and sounded similar to the collapse of my training plan. :| But I'll give it a go as a training ride and hope the weather is favourable on the day.

Re: Ken Dinnerville race entries open

Posted: 24 May 2010, 17:04
by wallman
How exciting is the right-hander at the bottom of Marshall Mt going to be if it rains! Maybe they'll park 10 ambulances at the bottom of it this year instead of the usual 1.

Re: Ken Dinnerville race entries open

Posted: 24 May 2010, 18:06
by weiyun
How exciting is the right-hander at the bottom of Marshall Mt going to be if it rains! Maybe they'll park 10 ambulances at the bottom of it this year instead of the usual 1.
I thought it was a left hander at the bottom of that descent section. No?

Re: Ken Dinnerville race entries open

Posted: 24 May 2010, 18:45
by Julio
How do I know where I is starting?!
It will be published on Cycling NSW

Where? I had a look on the site today and I couldn't find a thing. Surely it would be up with 6 days to go.

Re: Ken Dinnerville race entries open

Posted: 24 May 2010, 18:50
by mikesbytes
I'll give it about a 50/50 chance that your on 5 minutes off limit

Re: Ken Dinnerville race entries open

Posted: 24 May 2010, 21:17
by T-Bone
Handicaps should be up Wednesday/Thursday. Though you'll know when you sign on before the race anyway.

Re: Ken Dinnerville race entries open

Posted: 24 May 2010, 22:06
by weiyun
I'll give it about a 50/50 chance that your on 5 minutes off limit
50/50? Sitting on the fence? :roll:

Re: Ken Dinnerville race entries open

Posted: 24 May 2010, 22:41
by mikesbytes
I can't find handicaps either, looks like they ain't up yet

Re: Ken Dinnerville race entries open

Posted: 25 May 2010, 00:01
by geoff m
James T-Bone and I have seen a provisional handicap from State Handicapper and responded with some minor changes. He's advised these will go up on Wed/Thurs as James mentioned.

Whilst we know what these may look like, its best to see final call by the State Handicapper - he may need to make relative adjustments.

There's likely to be about 3 groups with about 5-6 DHBC riders so its going to be very colourful Red and Black next Sunday. We might have to be careful in case we forget its a race and think its a Sunday training run.......

Re: Ken Dinnerville race entries open

Posted: 25 May 2010, 00:05
by geoff m
I'll give it about a 50/50 chance that your on 5 minutes off limit
Maybe closer to 95%. :wink:

No more tips.