The Door Zone

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Postby geoffs » 31 Aug 2009, 15:19

just came across this video on riding in the door zone. Well worth watching as it illustrates just how dangerous the bike lanes that have been marked on the road are. ... one-video/

Take the lane and don't be a gutter bunny!!!!

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Postby weiyun » 31 Aug 2009, 18:13

Good set out to get the message across.

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Postby Rainbow » 31 Aug 2009, 19:21

Ok, so we can help ourselves by staying a safe distance from parked cars, but how can we get drivers to drive their vehicles a safe distance from cyclists?

As a cyclist who has felt the wrath of a car door, this has a large impact on me seeing this footage, maybe a video of the damage that a cyclist can inflict on your car if you hit them, including all of the bills they could be up for?

I know a solid guy who is in the 120kg weight category who had a prang with a car door. On impact, the force he created bent the door right back in the opposite direction! As a driver, a video of that would enourage myself to take a second look before opening the door!

Great link, it certainly reminds us of the potential for disaster even in a seemingly friendly "bicycle lane".

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Postby mikesbytes » 31 Aug 2009, 21:09

I'd like to see bike lanes within door zones removed

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Postby geoffs » 01 Sep 2009, 00:39

I'd like to see the current bike lanes marked in red as a warning to cyclists not to ride in the door zone.

Unless drivers start getting charged with attempted manslaughter for dooring cyclists, I don't see them changing bad habits.
There are instances where a cyclist will ride within the door zone but I do try to minimise this. Having a rear vision mirror is invaluable in helping to judge what the cars behind are doing

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Postby Toff » 01 Sep 2009, 09:41

When I ride down Herbert Street in St Leonards, I see the ridiculous green bike lanes right in the door zone. It makes me want to get a can of red spraypaint out and write "DANGER" above the bicycle logo, then an arrow below, indicating to cyclists to ride to the right of the green strip.
(Not actually Herbert Street, which has a much narrower bike lane, and 2-way traffic.)

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Postby mikesbytes » 01 Sep 2009, 09:46

I couldn't beleive my eyes when the put bike lanes in Herbert street, so dangerous

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