Does a spin bike count in the km comp?

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Should a spin bike be counted for km's in the giro comp?

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Postby timyone » 22 May 2011, 13:01

Hey i was just wondering every ones thoughts on mike winning the giro comp in 2 categories through spin classes, does a spin bike count as a bicycle? It really depends if we count it as a trainer or not etc, but yeah, what do you lot think?

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Postby weiyun » 22 May 2011, 14:54

Hands on bar, bum on saddle and legs spin cranks/chain/wheel, all without power assistance. Sounds good to me! And what does this thread has to do with For Sale sub-forum?

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Postby mikesbytes » 22 May 2011, 17:40

Hey Tim, if you think I'm ruining the fun, I'm happy to withdraw from the competition

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Postby christian » 22 May 2011, 19:49

If you are going to discount Mike's kms then you'll have to discount all kms done on rollers or a trainer.

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Postby T-Bone » 22 May 2011, 19:57

According to the guidelines there's no reason the km's shouldn't count. The same for the sprint points (i assume he's doing no resistance sprints), if he completes the required sprints with no resistance setting, then they should count.

The km's are very achievable, and so are the sprint points. Just think 10 no resistance sprints takes 5mins, and if you did that morning and night everyday, you would have 88points by now.... The Mountains comp doesn't really have too many shortcuts, apart from driving to climbs, but you can see that consistantly riding even the small climbs can get you some good points by looking at Lizanne's total.

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Postby timyone » 22 May 2011, 22:59

fair enough :P

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Postby jimmy » 23 May 2011, 07:23

I don't have an issue with the k's on a stationary bike being added, but I think that they should be split out of the total, so you can see k's road, k's stationary, k's total.


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Postby mikesbytes » 23 May 2011, 07:26

I'll remove myself from the sprint classification to end debate on rule interpretation

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Postby Dougie » 23 May 2011, 10:25

From the first post in the Giro comp

General Classification (most kilometres ridden)
This category is simple; every time you get on the bicycle you must record the amount of kilometres you ride, for every day in May (1st to 31st). So for example you may ride Saturday slowies Saturday morning (40kms), to waterfall on Sunday morning (80kms), commute to work Monday (10kms) and ride at the Velodrome Monday Night (30kms). Then you simply add up the total of these rides; 160kms and this is your progressive total. At the end of the month, the person with the highest total is the winner of the GC. Any form of cycling counts and estimations are good enough if you do not own a cycle computer. Any kms accumulated on Rollers, trainers or mountain bikes all count so long as you can gauge how many kms you have down in one ride.

the deal is to include the trainers and rollers. so if you are happy to participate under those conditions at the commencement of the challenge you need to accept it at the end.

for the record i have only managed to put in 5 km on my trainer so far however hopefully this week i will improve on that.



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Postby orphic » 23 May 2011, 13:53

I think splitting out km's just to show what people are doing would be cool, but still have the over all winner the one who did the most km's on everything. Then you could have sub category winners as well.

And the mountain points could be per 100m of climbing or something. I did 4500m of climbing on the weekend and I get nothin'! :P

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Postby mikesbytes » 23 May 2011, 14:10

I'll split the K's tonight when I post for today

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Postby orphic » 23 May 2011, 14:12

Oh I didn't mean for you to do it now... Just suggestions for future iterations of this comp! If you do it now then others might feel they have to which is FAR too complicated, and I cbf.

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Postby mikesbytes » 23 May 2011, 14:19

I was planning to do it anyway. I kinda liked Lizanne's joke about the pro vs amateur, so I'll break the figure down into K's I got paid for (pro) and ones I didn't (amateur)

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