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Cairns half iron man

Posted: 06 Jun 2013, 19:19
by Trouty
Good luck to at DHBC'rs doing Cairns Half this weekend, not sure who else other than Skinner. Pete OSullivan? Go hard, go fast, do us cyclist proud. Dougie can give you tips on digging into that bag of courage. Smash it!

Re: Cairns half iron man

Posted: 06 Jun 2013, 20:17
by JoTheBuilder
Thanks Jo!

In the true spirit of DHBC I'll be hoping to unleash the furry...

Re: Cairns half iron man

Posted: 06 Jun 2013, 21:24
by GregPankhurst
Go well Jo!

Re: Cairns half iron man

Posted: 07 Jun 2013, 08:55
by PeterOS
Thanks for the build up Trouty, but I'll be in Sydney this weekend.
But good luck to you Jo, will be interested to see how your TT bike goes !

Re: Cairns half iron man

Posted: 07 Jun 2013, 17:24
by Dougie
Go Jo.

Just wait until the very last moment to unleash the Furry, there's a whole lotta junk in the trunk.

Re: Cairns half iron man

Posted: 09 Jun 2013, 16:31
by JoTheBuilder
I think I should heed Dougie's words that a beautiful bike ride should never be preceded by a swim and proceeded by a run...

But I do have to say one thing about about triathlons: they are fantastically organized, you get bang for your buck, they make a big fuss of you no matter how crap you are, and you come out with free goodies that cycling events can only dream of! And the competitors tend to be a lot more encouraging of one another, rather than abusing you for doing no work on the front.

Probably best just to focus on the ride as no one is particularly interested in the rest. Let's just say there were no crocs or stingers in the water for the swim and too much sun and wind for the run.

But the ride! It was fabulous... Tail wind for 60km and only a mild head wind for the 30km back. But the scenery was breathtaking. The course wound its way from the lagoon in Cairns to Rex's Lookout on the way to Port Douglas. Beautifully smooth roads, rainforest, blue water, and did I mention that tail wind?

The TT bike performed wonderfully. I ended up averaging over 31km/hr for 90km. One of the fastest rides I've ever done (unleashing the furry)... There are some strong women out there though! Although it must be said, considering how bad I am at climbing hills, triathletes are worse! It was slightly undulating between the 45-55km mark and I passed a good few women (not so many men)...

Spectacularly sore now though. The run was a disaster. And I might need to address my chafing problem on the bike. But I finished!!

A big thanks to Christian for his support (and he still maintains he will never do a triathlon you'll all be pleased to hear)...

Re: Cairns half iron man

Posted: 09 Jun 2013, 17:10
by Anthony K
Well done Jo. 31kph for 90 km solo is really impressive. Great respect.

Re: Cairns half iron man

Posted: 09 Jun 2013, 17:18
by Cgecowley
Top stuff Jo, simply outstanding.

Re: Cairns half iron man

Posted: 09 Jun 2013, 17:19
by Cgecowley
Top stuff Jo, simply outstanding.

Re: Cairns half iron man

Posted: 09 Jun 2013, 17:36
by Dougie
Great report and great performance

Re: Cairns half iron man

Posted: 09 Jun 2013, 17:46
by Stuart
I'm interested in this "chaffing problem" :-) good result though.

Re: Cairns half iron man

Posted: 09 Jun 2013, 20:20
by Keith W
Good report and a great effort on the bike and glad the new Zipp wheels performed on the day.

Re: Cairns half iron man

Posted: 10 Jun 2013, 06:37
by Trouty
The ride sounded Awesome, but you confirmed the run and swim are not for me.

Well done on unleashing the Furry. That quote has become a cult following, maybe we should add this to our t-shirt design.

Congrats Jo, and good on you Christian for being support crew.