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broken bits competition

Posted: 27 Mar 2010, 03:50
by yewenyi
Recently I have had a few mechanical issues while riding. Here is a proposal for a broken bits competition for things that are not flat tyres. Here is my suggested scoring system.

Basic Scores:

A mechanical failure that makes you stop to fix it: 1 point
A mechanical failure that does not make you stop to fix it: 0.5 points.

Bonus scores:

Cannot repair the fault and keep going: +1 points
riding with other members of the DHBC: +1 points
riding on a DHBC event: +2 points
representing DHBC in a race: +2 points

member of DHBC helps you fix the problem on the spot: -0.5 points
random stranger helps you fix the problem on the spot: -1 point

you have to use public transport to continue your trip: +1 point
you have to get a taxi to continue your trip: +2 points

fault was caused by a third party: -2 points

Posted: 01 Apr 2010, 21:21
by Toff
Rules are quite vague...

Whilst I see a subtle difference between "A mechanical failure that does not make you stop to fix it: 0.5 points" and "Cannot repair the fault and keep going: +1 points", surely if you qualify for the latter, you also get the 0.5 points of the former, so perhaps the rules need some redesigning?

Also, people using Campagnolo might be at a disadvantage in this competition. Can I suggest that you get 5 extra points if you are riding on Campagnolo and you get a mechanical? After all, we know it "wears in" rather than "wearing out".

People using older systems could also be at a disadvantage. 6 speed systems are much more tolerant of mechanical issues than 11 speed systems.

Food for thought. :idea:

Posted: 04 Apr 2010, 18:56
by yewenyi
Thanks, I am probably showing my lack of knowledge of the particular systems so these extra bits are most welcome.

At the first part I was thinking of it being one or the other. Then you add all the bonus scores from the second part that apply.

I'm sure the rule system can grow as new situations occur. Just as the flat tyre system does.

Here is a rewrite of the first section:

Basic Scores (choose one only):

A mechanical failure that makes you stop to fix it: 1 point
A mechanical failure that does not make you stop to fix it: 0.5 points.

I guess that using more reliable systems is just like using racing tyres as opposed to cross country tyres in the flat tyre competition, the racers end up at the top of the list all the time.

Second part: *extra line*

Riding on Campagnolo equipment: +5 points

Posted: 04 Apr 2010, 20:28
by mikesbytes
Don't do it Brian, Campagnolo owners are like Catholics who think they are only ones going to heaven.

OK, what's my score for this. On the previous Sunday on the non fixie century, I stop for a flat and when I take my wheel off the cassette falls off, I put it back on but don't have the tool for the lock ring, so I tighten it up with the tip of a screw driver, but 10k later its loose again so I ride the next 100k with a maximum of gear of 14t

Re: broken bits competition

Posted: 06 Apr 2010, 15:49
by Toff
I reckon Mike loses points for not carrying the appropriate tools...

On Saturday I turned up to slowies on my Fixée. I tried to center my front brake calipers, but in the process I stripped the recessed allen nut at the back of the caliper. So, I tried to swap the allen nut from the rear brake caliper (which I never use on the fixée anyway), but the rear allen nut had a washer stuck on it that I couldn't get off... In the end I was able to pull some spacers off the front of the caliper, and this exposed more thread for the allen nut to engage with the bolt. Thankfully, the brake caliper still cleared the headset.

How many points for that?

(I might add it was a Campagnolo Chorus Monoplanar brake caliper, but it was mounted ino a frame/forks which was never designed to take recessed allen nut calipers. My fixée frame actually started life as a mountain bike.)

Re: broken bits competition

Posted: 06 Apr 2010, 16:25
by mikesbytes
I reckon Mike loses points for not carrying the appropriate tools...

Re: broken bits competition

Posted: 06 Apr 2010, 16:30
by jimmy
Do I get any points for assisting in two mechanicals on Saturday?

One guy broke a spoke, so I helped get his bike to a point where he could ride it again. The other snapped a rear derailleur cable, and I helped get him a lower gear.


Re: broken bits competition

Posted: 08 Apr 2010, 19:16
by yewenyi
Thanks, I had a chain link break, put the chain back on, but it being a trike I forgot to thread the chain through the cog in the middle of the trike. When I pulled the chain apart and put it back to gether again I cracked a link, though it worked well enough to get it home. I'll start a proper competition page.

Re: broken bits competition

Posted: 08 Apr 2010, 21:05
by mikesbytes
So what's the current score?