DHBC Juniors Training, News and Statistics 20 March 2013

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Postby colin » 22 Mar 2013, 16:46

Hi all,
Just a quick one today before I go home for the weekend.

We had 28 riders on Wednesday night, great turn out, the temperature is now the best for riding, not to hot or cold

Again it was Paceline as the first drill after individual warm ups. Each group riding together with the stragglers riding with the group below.

It was Group B’s turn on the rollers. Thanks to Simon running the 12 x 40/23 no resistance interval sprints.

On the track Group C performed starts off the fence on the back straight while group A practice held starts from the start/finish line.

Next Lead Out’s, firstly Broughton, Francis, Taku and Tom Clarke with Broughton the first home. Then Alison, Rohan, Sarah, Tess and Zanzi. Tess jumped the pack to come in first.

Next Match races. first up, Christian v Juliette, a close encounter with Christian just getting the better of Juliette. Next William v Xavier, again a close race But will move out of the sprinter lane so was DQed. Every has to hold your line on the sprints, no excuses. Next Oliver and Hugo, first timers having a go, Hugo was too good in this one. And lastly, Rory v Louie with Rory getting the better of Louie. Great effort by all putting in the 100%

Next Keirin, First up the boys. Toby, Adam, Adrien and Isaac. 3 laps, 2 behind the Derny (Lizanne) and then 1 sprint lap. Adrien powered home followed by Isaac and Adam then Toby. Next the girls. Caitlin, Mia, Rosie and Darani. Mia shot to the from after the Derny pulled away and stayed ahead of Darani, the Rosie and Caitlin.

We finish with the mayhem of the ‘Shoe race’. This month’s winner was Isaac. Winners so far - Isaac 2, Mia 1.

Upcoming events

This Sunday, 24th March
SU Velo - Junior Crit race
This is an introduction to Crit racing. All Junior's with any CA license is welcome(silver and gold). Any bike is fine, except track bikes. the bikes need to have breaks and a freewheel; flat bars, mountain, BMX, kids bike with steamers and a basket. All welcome, and club kit is not necessary.
This is the first race they have put on for the juniors so they want to keep it fun and casual. I's a great intro to racing at Heffron
Location is Heffron
Time is after the A and B grade races (8:30). come down at 8:30, watch the 'fast' guys and girls race, then jump on and have a race too.
Cost- Juniors free, $10 for the senior's to race, so it won't be more than that.

The ANZAC day track carnival in Bowral. On ANZAC day, 25th April, starting 2:30pm. U9’s and up, entries close 7th April. Bowral’s a little bit further that Lidcombe but hopefully we can get another great team together and have a fun day out, cheering for each other. So far the entrants are Will, Caitlin, Luke and Sarah.

Next Saturday, delayed due to the classic bike show, come rain or shine we have the “Women’s Track”. Girls, come on down. This is on from 3-5pm. See http://www.dhbc.org.au/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3512 for more details. Again, I won’t be able to help out this week.

2013 Bathurst Junior Road Cycling Camp, see http://www.nsw.cycling.org.au/?Page=49411 for more details.

Next week’s session

All - Warm up and Paceline drills
Group C rollers
Group A and B alternating between warm up and track
All - warm down


No more Birthday’s until next month.

Please , can I ask everyone please to bring their riders licence for verification next week otherwise you can’t enter the track!!!!

Thanks to Lizanne, Simon, Richard, Peter Stuart and more for your assistance

‘til Wednesday


Posts: 1178
Joined: 15 Sep 2010, 13:58
Location: Wolli Creek

Postby Lizanne » 25 Mar 2013, 07:28

Hey Colin, there are now so many volunteers helping out with the munchkins you'r forgetting names!
And a huge thanks to James looking after the beginners!

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