broken bits competition 2010

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Postby yewenyi » 08 Apr 2010, 19:20

This applies to anything mechanical (but not including punctures)

Basic Scores (choose one only):

A mechanical failure that makes you stop to fix it: 1 point
A mechanical failure that does not make you stop to fix it: 0.5 points.

Bonus scores:

Cannot repair the fault and keep going: +1 points
riding with other members of the DHBC: +1 points
riding on a DHBC event: +2 points
representing DHBC in a race: +2 points

member of DHBC helps you fix the problem on the spot: +0.5 points
random stranger helps you fix the problem on the spot: +1 point

you have to use public transport to continue your trip: +1 point
you have to get a taxi to continue your trip: +2 points

fault was caused by a third party: -2 points

You break something else while fixing the fault: +1 for each broken thing.


If you help someone else get going: -1 point
If you help someone else get going by supplying a tool or spare part: -1 point

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Postby yewenyi » 08 Apr 2010, 19:25

I'll start this. I was riding to work. A link in my chain broke with a bent link. I bent the link back and put it back together again with the chain tool I carry. When I fixed it I did not thread the chain through the middle cog (a special thing only on trikes). So I had to break the chain again. When I did this I cracked a link. But I was able to ride home.

A mechanical failure that makes you stop to fix it: 1 point
You break something else while fixing the fault: +1 for each broken thing.

2.0 yewenyi


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Postby wallman » 08 Apr 2010, 20:55

Well, they don't call me Mechanical Matt for nothing. On my first ride in 3 weeks on Tuesday I snapped the bolt of my single-bolt seatpost and almost put my saddle through my toptube, and my seatpost through, never mind.
Maybe time for a new frame.

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Postby yewenyi » 16 Apr 2010, 18:50

It sounds like you could not ride any more, was that the case?

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Postby mikesbytes » 16 Apr 2010, 19:37

I had to walk to work as my pump bracket broke, resulting in the pump falling off (with half the bracket) and then I got a flat

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Postby yewenyi » 17 Apr 2010, 14:37

I think the idea is to add yourself to the score board like in the flat tyre competition.

I had the piece that holds up my cross bar break on the Saturday Slowies ride though I just had to put all the bits in the bag and continue.

Score Board:
6.0 yewenyi

4 points total:

A mechanical failure that makes you stop to fix it: 1 point
riding with other members of the DHBC: +1 points
riding on a DHBC event: +2 points


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